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~ ~ third person ~ ~

Amaris wakes up gasping in her mom's apartment hurting from the wounds from last night's beating as she slowly sits up grabbing a roll of bandages and wrapping her wounds. She looks at the bag on the end of her bed as her tail flicks her horns just barely peaking through her tangled hair. She focuses and makes her horns and tail disappear being the only trait that she got from her father that she is able to hide.

She grabs the bag looking out the window as Lilly and Lyon appear by her side in their human realm forms she walks out of the room heading towards the door sneaking through the living room her mother asleep on the couch as she manages to make it out the door slamming shut and waking her mother as she runs through the hall and to the stairwell Lilly and Lyon on her heels. She runs down the stairs leaping the last five and managing to land gracefully on her feet exiting the building as she waves to the person at the desk.

~ ~Amaris pov ~ ~

I slip through the throngs of people walking on the side walks. Recognizing a couple of them I keep my head down heading to the  edge of the city the pups still on my heels, yelping as I get shoved into a wall by a man. "What's a kid doing alone in the streets?" I whimper trying to get his hand off my throat. Lilly growls biting his leg as he cursed dropping me flinging her away. "Lilly, Lyon come." I manage to escape disappearing into the crowd with Lilly and Lyon. I feel Kuro land on my shoulder as I pass a tree and I smile running.

I continue running till I can't and I slip into an abandoned alleyway hiding in the shadows and resting, as I gently pet Kuro and Lilly, Lyon on guard nearby still hidden.

~ ~ a couple hours later ~ ~

I wake up from a light nap to Lyon growling as I stand up still hidden in the shadows as I look around. I see a cat and smile my eyes glowing slightly as Lyon looks at me and yips as I pat my leg walking out of the alleyway Lilly and Lyon following Kuro once again on my shoulder. I walk the sidewalk cleared slightly as I look around at the homeless people I smile slightly waving at a few as I recognize them and they have back.

I continue to walk dodging a few gang wars as I sigh slightly whistling to Lyon when he gets distracted as he runs back over to me. I look at the sky as the lights start to turn on and I realize I walked all day. Kuro leaps from my shoulder looking at me as I sigh looking around for a spot I can stay for the night.

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