Chapter 31

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When we reached the top of the steps, Noct slowly pushed the giant doors open. Light spilled out and burned out eyes. It had been years since we saw light brighter than a small dim lightbulb.

"It's all lit up," Prompto commented.

"Guess he's expecting company," Gladio added.

We all looked around the room and were stopped by an ominous voice, "That was a most impressive performance,"

We all looked around for the source of the voice, "You that that was good?" Noct asked, "Wait until you see what we've got in store for you,"

Ardyn laughed, "I'm afraid you've one more Wall to break through first. The Old Wall- the Kings of Yore."

A purple silhouette appeared in front of us, similar to the silhouette our warping ability leaves behind. The silhouette then became full and a giant towered over us, clad in ancient armor and brandishing a large mace. I immediately recognized it as a royal arm. I remember studying the old kings during my training and instantly recognized the figure.

This king was known as The Fierce, "Come forth, O Chosen," he groaned as he limped toward us.

Noct looked up at the King in anger, "I thought the kings of old were on our side,"

Suddenly, The Fierce jumped up and held his mace over his head, "Look out!" Ignis yelled.

The impact of the mace caused the stone floor to shatter, "We must keep Noct safe at all costs!" Ignis ordered.

"Don't worry about me," Noct said.

"What kind of Glaives would we be if we didn't." I asked. I threw my sword at his head to warpstrike but when I warped all I saw was a purple light and then suddenly I was knocked back.

I hit the ground on my stomach hard, all of the air in my lungs being knocked out of me in the process. I tried to push myself up with my arms as I gasped for air. I looked up and saw that The Fierce had brought up a magic shield, similar to mine. However, his wrapped around him like a dome.

Gladio grabbed my hand and pulled me up on my feet, "What kind of Glaive would you be if you got yourself killed now?" He asked sarcastically.

"Smart ass..." I muttered.

The Fierce jumped up again to smash the mace on our heads. Before I could even react Gladio blocked the attack with his shield. The Fierce falls back and becomes disoriented.

"Let me handle this," he said without looking at us. He now has his greatsword on his shoulder and held his shield ready to block again if necessary.

The king slams his mace down again and Gladio blocks it again. I can see that he is struggling this time as The Fierce tries to overpower him, "I've been your shield through thick and thin." He parries the king and he stumbles back as Gladio replaces his shield with a large katana he had received years ago after leaving us in Caem, "No matter what, I've got your back- now and always!"

He crossed the two blades in an X and in the blink of an eye he was suddenly behind the king and he had swung his blades in a cross across his body.

The Fierce went down and Gladio fell to one knee. We all ran to Gladio's side, making sure he wasn't injured.

"Forgive me..." The Fierce moaned, "My mind was not my own," he then disappeared in a blue flame.

I ran to Gladio's side and tried to help him up, "Are you okay?" I asked gently.

He tried his best to smile, "Yea," Gladio was panting between his words, "This shields a little sturdier than he looks." I helped him onto his feet and he tried to stay up on his own without me, "We'd better keep moving. Come on,"

An Angel Blooms (Gladio X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora