Chapter 13

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"I'd say that's far enough. A hand, Highness?" I quickly summon a blade with my other hand and point it at Ardyn's throat.

"We don't need any help from you," I said plainly with a blank face.

He chuckles, "My, you're so scary,"

I bar my teeth in anger as he uses his pointer finger to lightly push my blade away. I begrudgingly lower the sword and unsummon it.

"I'm just here to take the army away," he states as he walks closer to Ravus.

"You expect us to believe that?" Gladio questions.

Ardyn just turns his back towards us and responds ominously, "Next we meet, it'll be across the seas," he looks from Ravus, to the crossbow, to me, "Do you mind, darling?"

I stare him down for a moment, but he seems unfazed. Then Gladio puts a hand on my shoulder and leans in and whispers, "It's fine. You don't have to do this,"

This jabbed at my brain for a second. I look up at Ravus. He for some reason looks defeated and ashamed now that Ardyn is here. I just stare at him for a moment, contemplating what I should do. Finally, I scoff and unsummon the weapon.

Ardyn smiles and signals Ravus with one hand to follow him. As they walk away he calls out, "Fare thee well, Your Majesty! And safe travels!" We watch them escape from view before getting in the Regalia and driving off.

"You guys know that guy?" Prompto asks nervously. It's silent for a moment.

"Ravus Nox Fleuret." Ignis starts, "First son of Tenebrae and elder brother to Lady Lunafreya," I hear the others get in the Regalia one by one, but I just continue to stare off in the direction our enemies had gone.

"Hey," Gladio's voice comes out in a gentle whisper. I look down at the ground not wanting to look at him. I felt bad that they had to witness that, but something inside of me just snapped. Seeing Gladio struggle like that had overwhelmed me. I wasn't sure why and I couldn't explain the feeling.

He turned me around to face him. His expression was serious, but it had a grateful smile to it, "Thank you, Y/N. You really saved my ass from that guy," I smiled lightly and looked down at our feet.

I took a deep breath to recollect myself, "Well," I breathed out, "Consider it thanks. You really saved me today too,"

His smile grew wider and he gave me a thumbs up, "No problem!" I watched as he went to hold the back door open for me. Why have I been having these strange feelings? I just want to know what his intentions are. What is he hoping to achieve? But as curious as I am I'm too afraid to find out.


We entered the Leville to find Iris alone in the lobby. She looked like she was in distress.

"Iris?" Gladio said worriedly as he pushed through us and made his way to his sister, "What's wrong?"

Iris tried speaking in between sobs, "I'm sorry, Gladdy... We never made it to Caem... The army..." All of us tensed up. The room was silent, the only sound that echoed against the walls was her sobs.

I sighed, "Let's continue you this in one of the hotel rooms." Everyone nods, and we make our way upstairs to the boys' room.

Iris sits down, and we stand around waiting for her to calm down and speak up. After what seemed like forever she finally spoke.

"None of us said a word about Noct. They just showed up... and... poor Jared." Gladio looks almost panicked.

"What? What happened to Jared?"

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