Chapter 22 Therapy Session

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Connor's P.O.V.
I was sitting in the waiting room with my dad waiting for my therapist. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I checked it and it was from (y/n).
(Y/n)💕: Hey what are you up 2?
You:Waiting for my therapist. Wbu?
(Y/n)💕:Oh okay and nothing much.
You: Yeah how was school?
(Y/n): It was good but very boring with out you lol.
As I was going to text back I heard my name being called. My dad looked over at me,"Well I'll be out here if you need anything." He said I slightly nodded, I got up and walked in to see my therapist. The lady took me into a room,"Your therapist will be right with you." She said I nodded I pulled out my phone and texted (y/n)
You:Hey I'm finally seeing my therapist so I won't be able to text back in like in a hour or so.
(Y/n)💕: Okay love I'll ttyl.
I smiled and put my phone away. The door opened I looked over my shoulder and saw my therapist. She walked over and sat down in her chair. She laid down some papers on her desk she looked up at me with a smile,"Hi my names Becca I'm going to be your therapist." She says in a calming and cheerful voice I nodded,"So why are we here today?" She asked that's such a stupid question I thought but I remember what (y/n) always tells me be calm I sighed,"I was in the hospital for trying to kill my self." I said bluntly she nodded,"Why did you do it?" She continues questioning. This is going to be a long session.
"I...there was just a lot going on...but I met this girl she's changed my life...she has a child, they both have changed me a lot...we've been dating for a while. Kids at school found out they started bullying her for dating me since I'm what they call a freak. But after a while kids started picking on me which I didn't mind I was used to it...someone texted me something that pushed me over the edge..but it wasn't just that but it was also things at all that just pushed me to do that.." I finally finished explaining the whole story to her. She looked at me with pity a look I hate. ~○~
After the long painful session I was told what to do in certain situations. So now I have to find hobbies or talk it out. Once I got home I called (y/n) she answered within the first two rings.
"Hey Con how'd it go?" She asked cheerfully.
"It was boring. I was told to talk out my feelings and to find a hobby." I replied.
"That's not bad. At least your not on medication you know? You have to have a better outlook on things." She said.
"I guess..."
"You know I'm here for you as well. So is your family."
"Thatd true but I wish I could go see you but I'm stuck here."
"Haha don't worry we'll see each other soon. Right now you need to take care of yourself."
"Yeah well for the time being how you been?" I asked we stayed on the phone for a couple hours. She always knew what to say to me.

Heyyyy shippers so I probably won't post anything for a while due to something that has happened recently with my family. I need time for myself right now. But for now please take care of yourselves I love you guys very much take care byyyye.😘😘😘

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