Chapter 10 Opening Up

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Connor's p.o.v.
"Babe your all I got right now."I said while looking at (y/n).She looked at me and nodded with tears in her eyes,"I know Con..."she said she looked down at her hands.I sat down beside her and took her hand,"I'm not mad at you."I said while looking at her.She still had her head down,"It'll be okay....I'm here if you need someone to talk to."I said she nodded,"I have to go now before Jared flips."(y/n) said while wiping her tears away quickly I nodded and let go of her hand.She grabbed her backpack and started heading for the door before she grabbed the door knob I grabbed her wrist gently and she looked over at me,"I love you."I said she slightly smiled,"I love you too Con."she replied,"I'm here for you to if you need anything."she said I quickly placed a kiss on her lips.She smiled and headed out the door.I walked back to my bed and laid there thinking about things.Will she go back with her ex?Will she end up forgiving him and become friends with him?Will she dump me for him?I tried shaking the thoughts out of my head.I know that (y/n) despises (ex/n) but you never know what could happen.I heard someone knock on my door I looked over and saw Zoe.She looked concerned,"Hey are you okay?"she asked I sat up and shrugged,"I don't know I guess I'm fine why?"I asked
"I don't know you seem to have a lot on your mind."she said Zoe walked over to me and sat next to me on the bed,"You know I'm here for you right?Even though you can be an asshole sometimes and I know we aren't close anymore... I miss my big brother....I really do Con I don't know if you feel the same way but I miss our relationship we had when we were younger.....There aren't any good memories anymore all we do is fight....I just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you no matter what....."Zoe explained I felt a tear roll down my cheek.I quickly wiped my tear,"Yeah I know I guess things changed..."I said I looked over at Zoe she nodded her head while looking down at the ground.I noticed she had tears falling down her face.She took in a deep breath and got up,"Well if you need anything I'm here for you."She said I nodded,"Thank you Zo."
She smiled softly and nodded while closing my bedroom door.I laid back on my bed and started to  think again.I really do miss having a relationship with my sister I miss having a relationship with my family.I just don't know how to make a relationship better again.All we ever do is fight but having Zoe cry in front me really makes me realize how much I miss having a relationship with my family.I sighed and ended falling asleep.~...~I woke up to a knock on my door I groaned and got up and opened the door.My dad was standing in front of the door,"Dinners ready."He said I nodded he walked away and went downstairs I followed behind. We sat at the kitchen table with everyone else, we ate in silence.~time skip~
I went back into my room and laid in bed I was bored out of my mind. I heard a knock on my door. I got up and opened the door,"Yes?" I asked looking at my dad.
" I was wondering if you wanted to play catch?" He asked.
"Oh uh I guess I'll get my glove." I said he grinned and his eyes gleamed in happiness this is probably the first time I've seen him happy. I grabbed my glove from my dresser it was pretty stiff since I haven't used it in so long. I met my dad outside in the front yard,"You ready?" He asked I nodded. We got in position and started tossing the ball back and forth. I can't remember the last time I hung out with my dad it's been so long I guess I have to work on letting people in. Before I do anything I need to fix what I've broke with my family, I guess this will be a start.~...~Me and dad finished and sat on the stairs near the front door,"I'm surprised you said yes." My dad started up a conversation I looked over at him. He was looking straight ahead the sun was setting," I'm surprised you even asked. You always seem mad at me." I said he looked over at me.
"I just don't like the decisions you've made." He said
"Yeah I know.What made you want to spend time with me?" I asked
"I guess we need change and your mom suggested that we spend time together." He said I nodded. I hope this changes something maybe we can have a better relationship I know I've ruined my family. I know I'm the reason I've made everyone turn on each other I know I'm the reason.
"Connor? Are you okay?" Dad asked I looked at him and nodded,"You don't seem okay."I finally felt the tears that I didn't realize that were running down my cheeks.
"I just have a lot on my mind I guess..." I replied while wiping my tears away quickly.
"Want to maybe umm talk about it?" He asked I didn't want to but how am I supposed to have a better relationship with my dad or anyone else in my family,"Yeah sure." I said I explained everything and how I felt I never thought I'd do this especially pour out my emotions to my dad. He was always mad at me. I let my tears keep rolling my dad gave me a hug I was taken aback by his actions but hesitantly hugged him back,"It just takes a little takes a little time..." He said.

Heyyy shippers I hope you enjoyed this story sorry it's short but I'm going to try to make them a bit longer. This book will have some slow updates but I will try my best to make this book good anyyywayyys I love you guys take care byyye 😘💕💕

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