Chapter 20 Getting Back On Track

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A/N: IDK how hospital stuff works..
Connor's P.O.V.
I've been in the hospital for three days. (Y/n) has been visiting me every day after school. I was laying in the hospital bed watching something on the t.v.,"Knock, knock. I brought someone." I heard (y/n)'s voice call out. I looked over and smiled I saw (y/n) holding (s/d/n)'s on her hip,"Daddy!" (S/D/N)'s cheerfully called out for me as she/he stretched out his/her arms. I smiled and chuckled lightly (Y/n) walked over to me and placed a small kiss on my head. She placed (s/d/n) on my lap I held (s/d/n) who seemed tired. (Y/n) sat down on the chair next to me. I looked over at her,"So how was school?" I asked she simply shrugged.
"It was alright." She said,"When will you be able to leave?" She asked I shrugged,"I'm not to sure hopefully soon." I looked down at my bandaged arms which was holding (s/d/n). I smiled gently at her/him,"You know she/he keeps saying your name all the time." She said I let out a small chuckle,"Really?" I asked while looking over at her. She smiled and nodded,"Yeah she/he always says dad." She says with a smile,"That's crazy.... I never thought I'd be a dad.." I said she smiled,"Yeah who knew huh?" She said.~○~
(Y/n) left a while ago and the doctor said I'd be released tomorrow. My parents came to visit me my mom decided to stay with me for a while longer,"You know Con...I've noticed that you have changed...ever since (y/n) came around...I'm proud of you...What made you change?" She asked I bit my bottom lip out of habit,"I don't know...I guess she made me see the good in things...She pushes me to do my best." I replied my mom nodded and looked down at her hands,"I'm sorry Connor. You know I've tried I really have. But I'm glad someone is watching over you. Taking care of you. Just know that I'm still here for you. I always will be." She said while getting up from her chair and walking towards me. She pushed my hair gently away from me and gently smiled at me. She placed a kiss on my forehead,"Well I'm going to head home now I'll see you tomorrow. Love you." She said while smiling. Then she left the room and I was left by myself. I sighed and decided to sleep. ~○~
I was finally able to go home today. My dad took a day off of work to take care of me today. Which is kind of awkward since we're not actually that close. Once me and my dad got home I decided to go upstairs,"Hey Connor." My dad called out I looked over and saw my dad standing at the bottom of the stairs,"Umm I was wondering once you've settled in you want to do something later?" He asked I know this is pity. Right?
"Umm yeah sure." I respond with a slight smile. He nodded and slightly smiled,"Okay...well umm just let me know then.." he said while walking away I went to my room and laid on my bed. My phone went off I pulled my phone out of my pocket. It was from (y/n).
(Y/n)💕: Hey babe are you out yet?
You: Hey I just got out an hour ago.
(Y/n)💕:Oh that's good. What are you going to do now that your out.
You:Me and my dad are going to hang out.
(Y/n)💕:Wow that's great!
You:its probably out of pity..
(Y/n):Connor you can't be like that. I don't think he'd do this out of pity.
You:Idk but I think I'll just try to hang out with him.
(Y/n)💕: Okay I love you 😘❤
You: Love you 2 🖤
I sighed and decided to get up and hang out with my dad. I went downstairs and looked for my dad. I saw him in the living room sitting on the couch,"Hey dad I'm ready to hang out if you are." I said he looked up at me in shock and surprise. I guess its because it's weird for me to call him that. I usually call him by his first name. But I've been trying to change. So its probably still new to him still for me to call him that,"Oh um okay we can go out to lunch." He said I nodded he got up and grabbed the car keys. We then headed to a close fast food place. Once we got our food we sat down at a table. We kind of just sat and ate in an awkward silence,"Why did you want to hang out with me?" I blurted out he looked at me his face was unreadable. Until he sighed and started talking,"I know things have been difficult for everyone. But if I'm being honest...I've..I did hold a grudge on you for acting the way you used to. I wanted you to do better and I wanted you to succeed. But when you started acting out it made me mad because you were throwing your life away by doing what you were doing. I really want the best for you Connor...I really, really do. I hope things change between us." He said I didn't really know what to say to that. All this stuff is just kind of..weird? I don't know I guess I'm still not used to my dad being sentimental and stuff. All I was able to say was,"Me too."

Heyyyy shippers i know this was supposed to be up yesterday and I'm sorry but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed I love you guys very much take care byyyye 😘😘😘

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