Chapter 4/1 For Forever Part 2

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F/f=favorite flavor
S/F/F=second favorite flavor
Your p.o.v.
Connor left this morning so he could change and come back later like we planned yesterday.I was playing with (S/D/N) her/his laughter was the only thing I could hear in my room,"I bet you can't wait for Connor to come back."I said to (S/D/N),"Let's get you dressed love."I said I placed (S/D/N) onto my hip I walked to my closet and picked out some clothes for her/him.I took off her/his pajamas and put on his/her new clothes that I picked out for her/him.I placed her/him back onto my hip and headed downstairs,"You ready to eat breakfast my lovely?"I asked as I placed her/him into the high chair.I went to the cabinet and grabbed the baby food I grabbed a baby spoon from the drawer.I opened the baby food and started walking back to the table,"Morning."I looked over and saw Jared in his pajamas sitting down at the table.I sat down at the table and started feeding (S/D/N),"Morning."I replied with a smile
"Got any plans for today?"He asked
"Umm yea I'm going to hang out with umm Connor."I replied
"Again?"he asked irritated
"Yea you make such a big thing about me hanging out with Connor."I said while looking over at him I placed the spoon down,"You know it's starting to get irritating."I said I went back to feeding (S/D/N). I heard him sigh,"I'm just trying to help you not get into trouble."he said
"I know you've made that perfectly clear many times."I said agitated
"I know you know but just uh never mind."he said I sighed
"Is Aunt Mel still asleep?"I asked
"Yea."He replied,"What time are you leaving?"he asked
"I'm not to sure."I replied,"He hasn't told me what time?"
"Are you going to take (S/D/N)?"he asked
"I'm not to sure yet."I replied
"Are you guys like going out on a date?"he asked
"Your asking a lot of questions."I said while smirking,"You scared I'm going to weave you."I teased in a baby voice Jared rolled his eyes I laughed.~timeskip~
I got dressed and picked out a nice outfit to wear.(pic below is ur outfit)I changed into my outfit.I heard my phone buzz it was Connor.

Italics=Connor Bold=You Connor😑:Be there in 5You:ok see u🙃I headed downstairs and went to the living room and sat down on the couch,"Sweetheart I heard your going out with Connor today

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Connor😑:Be there in 5
You:ok see u🙃
I headed downstairs and went to the living room and sat down on the couch,"Sweetheart I heard your going out with Connor today.You know I can watch the baby if you want me to."My Aunt Mel said while sitting next to me on the couch I looked over at her and smiled,"Of course you can Aunt Mel."I replied smiling my aunt Mel smiled.I heard a knock on the door,"I got it.It's probably him."I said I got up and ran to the front door and opened it.It was Connor,"Hey Connor."I greeted he smiled at me,"Hey you look great."he said I giggled,"Thank you."I replied,"So where are we going?"I asked while closing the front door behind me,"Well I guess it's a surprise where we're going."he said smiling he grabbed my hand and held it.I held his hand we walked to his car and got in the car.~...~
Me and Connor were driving down all these winding country roads,"We're almost there."Connor said I looked over at him and smiled.He had a grin on his face he looked so handsome.He took one of his hands off the wheel and grabbed my hand and held it.I in twined my fingers with his I smiled at our hands.We pulled into a parking spot in front of a small shop called A La Mode,"We're here."Connor said we let go of each other's hands I unbuckled my seatbelt I noticed Connor staring at the little shop,"I used to come here all the time here with my family when I was younger."he said sadly
"That must've been fun."I said
"Heh yeah it really was."he said with a small smile he turned off the engine and we both got out of the car.We walked inside the little shop hand in hand the woman greeted us,"What do you want?"Connor asked
"Hmmm I think I'll get f/f."I replied,"What about you?"
"I think I'll get s/f/f please."Connor said the lady scooped the flavors we asked for and put them into a small cup.Connor ended up paying for them.We thanked the lady and left the shop we got into the car and ate our ice cream,"Mmm this is good."I said
"I know it's been forever since I've had this."Connor said I giggled
"You have some ice cream on your lips."I laughed I leaned over and placed a kiss on his lips.He kissed me back I placed my hand on his cheek he placed his hand on the back of my neck.We kissed a little while longer we released for air we smiled at each other.We went back to eating our ice cream I took a scoop out of his cup and tried it,"Mmm that's really good." I said Connor shook his head and laughed he ended up taking a scoop out of my cup,"Mmm yours is pretty good too."he said I giggled,"You ready for the next place."he asked with a smile I smiled and nodded,"Of course."I said Connor placed his cup into the cup holder he started the car and pulled out of the parking spot.I placed my empty cup into the cup holder.We started heading to wherever we were going Connor turned on the radio we listened to all our favorite songs on the radio.Me and Connor started singing some of the songs he has such a beautiful voice when he sings.The drive was long but it was a fun drive we finally got to the place we parked in front of an abandoned looking orchard,"This is the place."Connor said he turned off the car and got out of the car,"It's a beautiful place."I said
"Yeah it is."he replied he went to the trunk and grabbed a blanket.He closed the trunk and locked the car he grabbed my hand and held it.We walked over the small broken wooden fence we started walking through the fields Connor stopped near a tall oak tree.He placed the blanket under the tree we both sat down on the blanket Connor placed his head onto the tree I placed my head on his shoulder we sat in silence and watched the sun set.A small breeze picked up I cuddled closer to Connor he wrapped his arms around me,"I wish we could stay like this."Connor said I looked up at him
"Yea me too."I said
"Being here is so peaceful."he said,"Its like everything seems to fade away.No worries,no stress,no nothing."he said.He kept looking straight he stared at the sky that was turning orange to pink.I gently smiled at him I sat up a little and placed a kiss on his cheek,"I know what you mean."I said he looked over at me and gently smiled he placed his forehead on mine,"I love you."He said in a whisper
"I love you too."I replied gently he smiled at me I smiled back at him.~...~
Connors p.o.v.
Me and (y/n) were at the orchard for a few hours.We were running around in the fields,"Come on Connor catch up!"(y/n) yelled out from across the fields I smiled and shook my head.I ran after her I finally caught up to her and picked her up.She squealed and started to laugh I lost balance from holding her and fell onto the ground.(Y/N) was on top of me still laughing I laughed along with her.(Y/N) calmed down a little I looked at her and smiled she looked at me and grinned she pushed my hair back behind my ear.She leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips gently I kissed her back.I placed my hand on the back of her neck and continued to kiss her.We broke apart for air we were smiling at each other she's the best thing that's ever happened to me,"You look beautiful."I said she blushed,"Th-thanks."she stuttered I sat up and (y/n) did the same she sat next to me.I wrapped my arms around her she snuggled into my side and wrapped her arms around my waist.The stars were out twinkling it was so bright and beautiful.(Y/N) placed her head on my shoulder,"This day was amazing."I heard (y/n) say I placed a kiss on her head,"It sure was."I said I rested my head on hers I looked over at her and noticed she fell asleep.I smiled I gently placed her on my lap I brought her into my arms and picked her up and started walking to the car.~...~

Heyyy shippers hope you enjoyed this chapter well anywayyys byyye 😃

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