Chapter 21 Unexpected

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After our encounter with the paparazzi earlier this week Taron and I are in the tabloids again. Mostly reports we are back together, there is even one story we got married in secret. Since Taron was pictured with his promise ring on people automatically think it's a wedding band. Today's the day we both are leaving. I'm going back to Virginia to stay with my parents while he is off to Ireland to film Robin Hood. Unfortunately the studio wasn't willing to let me go along with him as I did on the set of Kingsman but I'm ok with it. There are going to be times when this will happen and if I want to be in tarons life I have to get used to it. We arrive at the airport, hand in hand, paparazzi everywhere this time. "Taron Katie where are you guys headed?" We kept walking and didn't speak to anyone, Taron doesn't want anyone to know my hometown so they can't follow me. Luckily we lost them after our luggage was checked, security wouldn't let them pass.

"Good we lost them. I'm so sorry katie" "don't be sorry Taron I've gotten used to it." I run my hands across his face. "I'm going to miss you so much" he hugs me tightly "not as much as i will miss you" "please be careful try not to get injured this time like you did filming the first Robin Hood." "I'll try my best, as long I don't have to ride a horse I'll be good" I start to tear up he pulls me in for one last kiss. "Taron I love you" "I love you Katie I'll see you soon I promise." He let's go of my hand and goes onto the plane I go to mine. I hope these six months will go by quickly.

6 weeks later......

My alarm clock goes off I slowly get up out of bed. Suddenly I don't feel well, I feel nauseous. I run to the bathroom, I begin to throw up. I must have ate something last night that has bothered me, all my life I have had stomach issues so it's not uncommon for me to get sick. I put my clothes on and head downstairs. I go into the kitchen where dad is waiting for me. "Good morning LeAnn, come outside when you finish eating breakfast the vet will be here soon for the vaccinations and pregnancy checks" when my dad said this i stopped and thought to myself. Wait I don't think I've had a period since I left Welsh. I must have had a look of worry on my face my father asked "LeAnn are you ok?" "Yeah I'll be ok dad I'll be there soon" Im not pregnant, I'm pretty sure I did have a period I think I'm just over reacting. I continue my day and help my dad. The next morning I get up and I start throwing up again this time it's worse than before. My mother hears me from the hallway.

"Katie dear, are you ok? Is it your stomach?" "I think so, I'm gonna go lay back down" she helps me get into my bed. My phone rings it's Taron. "Hey babe" "good morning beautiful. How are you" "not feeling well actually I've been throwing up this morning" "oh my love I'm sorry are you having another episode" I've had a episode like this on Taron before so he's not concerned it could be what I'm worried about. "I think so I'm just gonna try to get some sleep" "I wish I could be there to help you" "I'll be ok Taron just call me again when you can" "I will I love you Katie feel better" "I love you more" I sleep the rest of the evening into the next morning. I wake up and throw up again. My mom comes in to check on me "Katie your still sick I'm taking you to the doctor." I was to weak and tired to disagree maybe I have a virus or something. Mom drives me to the doctors office.

We arrive at the doctors office immediately they have me pee in a cup. I don't think anything of it due to my age, and all my stomach issues are each time I come to the doctor for vomiting they rule out pregnancy first before they diagnose me. As I sit in the room with mom I start to panic and worry it's taking the doctor a while to come back with my results. Finally the doctor walks in "Well Ms Katie congratulations your pregnant. Looks like your about six weeks along" "wait what?" I'm stunned, and I can't speak. My mother is in tears "oh katie I'm so happy for you and Taron" the doctor looks over at my mother strangely. Shit she's blurred out who the father is if this gets out in the press before I can tell Taron it will not be good. "Doc. Can you please make sure this stays a secret I have to tell my boyfriend, since you know who he is you know what I mean" he nods at me "don't worry ms Katie I'm legally not allowed to release any patients information. The press will not find this out by anyone here I assure you" we leave the doctors office and as mom is driving us back home I'm so worried.  How am I suppose to tell Taron when he's halfway across the world right now? Something this big doesn't need to to told to someone by a phone call. I start racing thoughts through my head hoping I can find a way to tell him. My mom sees the worry in my eyes.

"Katie are you afraid Taron won't be happy with this news?" "No mom I know he will be thrilled I'm just worried about his career. Once I tell him I'm pregnant he will want to be by my side he's in the middle of a project right now I don't want to jeopardize his opportunities." "Katie you guys will find a way to make it work you have already, this baby is a blessing" I look down at my stomach she is right this baby will be a blessing. When I was married to my ex husband Robert we tried to have a baby for two years with no luck. I've only been with Taron ten months, it makes me realize I wasn't meant to have a child with Robert I was meant to have one with Taron. A part of me is still scared this would hurt our relationship. Things have been moving so fast for us and now with a baby on the way, things are going to be even crazier. We arrive home and I go to my room. I take a deep breath and try to call Taron. He doesn't answer it goes to voicemail. I leave him a message "hey handsome it's just me, I really need to talk to you so when you can please call me I love you" as I wait for Taron to call me back I immediately text Karen and Sharon. I ask them if there is anyway they can work out for me to visit Taron on set for at least one day so I can see him in person to tell him the news.

When they read my message I get a video call I accept and both ladies are together "ok katie what's wrong? Has something bad happened?" "No I just need to tell Taron something in person" "katie what is it you can tell us we won't say anything to Taron not until you can see him." I hesitate at first but I knew I have to tell his agent and publicist soon enough anyway "Karen, Sharon I'm pregnant" both there eyes light up "katie that's wonderful Taron is going to be so thrilled! Now does anyone else know yet?" "Just you guys and my parents so far I tried to call Taron to tell him first but he didn't answer that's why I'm hoping if I could go see him it would be easier" "don't worry katie we will get you to him leave it to us. Just give us a few hours and we will send you the details" relived they reacted the way they did I lay down and think about what the future holds for us now.

Southern Girl and A Star (a Taron Egerton fanfiction) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum