Chapter 7 Go the Distance

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I woke up at 6:00 a.m. I looked over beside of me and Taron was still sleeping with his arms around my waist. I began to think about what I heard last night before I fell asleep. Did he really say I love you or was I just dreaming? I slowly got of the bed so I wouldn't wake him. I got my clothes and went into the restroom to get dressed. I knew this hotel has a continental breakfast and I was afraid Taron would be in to much of a rush to get something to eat before he goes. I found the room key laying on the table and decided to go downstairs and bring him breakfast before he wakes up.
When I went downstairs the breakfast was hot it was just made. The clerk at the desk was the same one from yesterday when I walked by she stared at me. I didn't really care what she was thinking I was more concerned to get Taron some food. I am still trying to get used to how Taron eats, once we live together I will know more. So I decided to make him a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and some fruit. For the drink I was pretty sure he drinks coffee and a glass of orange juice just in case. I decided just to crab a blueberry muffin. I would eat later at my parents house. I took the plate of food and the drinks upstairs. I slowly opened the door, he was still asleep. I put the food on the table and sat on the bed beside him. I began to run my fingers through his hair softly and I was admiring his beautiful face. I looked over at the clock and it was close to 7 I knew if I wanted him to eat I better wake him up. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek he twitches a little I try again and he doesn't wake up. Then I kissed his lips softly when I did this his eyes opened and he kissed me back.
"Good morning sleepy head. You gotta get up" he groaned and stretched "do I have to?" He asked "yes unfortunately you do. As much as I would love to stay here with you all day you gotta go home" he got up from the bed and noticed the food on the table and smiled "babe you didn't have to bring me breakfast I could have picked up something at the airport." "I wanted to I wasn't sure what you would like so I got a little of everything I thought you wouldn't get in trouble for eating." He leaned over and kissed my forehead, grabbed a piece of the bacon and said "Katie your amazing, this is my first breakfast in bed its so thoughtful of you" I was a little surprised I have been the first one to bring him breakfast in bed. He finished eating then went to go get ready. I helped him gather his things, while I was doing this he came behind me and kissed my ear "your gonna spoil me if you keep doing all this for me"  "I plan on spoiling you Taron because you deserve it so get used to it" I said back.
His body guard was waiting outside the door to walk us to the vehicle. I decided to follow them so I could tell Taron goodbye at the airport. While I was driving I couldn't help but think about our first night together. I wondered if it would be like that when I moved in or if the passion would fade away. I also thought about if I would scare him if I said I love you. We finally got to the airport and Taron was waiting for me. He had already got his ticket and his body guard took his bags. It was fifteen minutes until his plane was taking off. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him as tight as I could. I knew I would see him soon but it was still sad for him to go. After I hugged him he put his hand on my cheek looked deeply in my eyes "I'll see you soon babe when I get home I will have everything ready for you to come live with me" I started to tear up a little he wiped away my tears. He leaned in and kissed me passionately while we was kissing over the intercom they announced it was time for passengers to board the flight, his body guard came over and tapped him on the shoulder and said its time to go.
He let go of me and began to walk away then suddenly I said loudly "I love you Taron David Egerton" he turned around and came back to me and kissed me passionately one last time "I love you Katie LeAnn" the announcer then called for passengers to board the flight. I had to let him go this time as he left I noticed a small tear rolling down his face he waived goodbye and winked at me then he got on the plane.
When I got in my car he texted me "I was afraid you didn't feel the same way. I know we haven't know each other long but I know you are the best thing to ever happen to me" I texted him back "same here handsome I'll see you soon"
The next two weeks seemed to fly by. I quit my job, got my passport and began to pack my things. Taron told me not to pack to much because he would have new things for me when I moved in. He said I would have a entire new wardrobe for my job. He still will not tell me what kind of job he helped me get he says it's a surprise. The night before I was set to leave I sat down with my parents to give them a prober goodbye and I had some questions for them. I went downstairs for my last dinner with them. "Mom, Dad can I ask you something?" I asked "of course sweetie" my mom said sweetly "why did you guys say it was ok for me to move in with Taron? I mean I am moving half way across the world I won't get to see you guys anymore and I can remember how strict you were on me when it came to guys" surprisingly my dad was the first to answer "LeAnn when this young man flew all the way over here to ask my permission to take you on a date. He gained my respect. When he voluntary asked to help on the farm, and he promised me he would take care of you I had no reason not to believe him." "See sweetie your father and I sat down with Taron together we knew how unhappy you have been the past year and we was scared of how depressed you were getting. When Taron mentioned you going to stay with him for a while I knew it would be best for you to start a new life. You can meet new people, do things you've always wanted to do, and do a job you love." My mom started to cry a little I went over and hugged them both. "Thank you for letting me go. I think this will be the best for me and I promise I will come back to visit" my mom walked me back to my room "katie there is something I wanted to tell you, I am only letting you go because Taron really does care about you." "When he was here he wanted to know so much about you, I showed him some of your baby pictures and from your childhood. He told me you was the sweetest woman he has ever met and he wanted you to be part of his life" I couldn't believe my mom told me this. Taron wanted to know so much about me and who better to ask then my parents, how adorable is that.
The morning finally came for me to leave VA. I was nervous and scared all at the same time. Most of my things had already been shipped to Tarons home the only things I had to take with me on the flight was my purse and suitcase. When I went downstairs Tarons body guard that came with him last time was there to pick me up. This time he introduces himself "hello katie I'm Sam. I'm sure you remember seeing me the last time I was with Mr.Egerton. He asked me to personally pick you up and I also will be escorting you to his home." Taron had told me he was sending his body guard for protection plus he didn't want me to fly alone. He also told me he wasn't able to pick me up at the airport in case reporters are there. I hugged my parents one last time and got in the vehicle with Sam.
When we got to the airport Taron ordered Sam and I first class seats. I have never been on a plane before so I was excited. We boarded the plane and took off. It took us two flights to finally get to the airport closets to Tarons home. I was exhausted. Sam grabbed my bags for me and drove me to Tarons home. As I looked out the window I noticed how beautiful it was here. I have never been in a different country and the culture here always fascinated me. Taron lived about two hours away from the airport so I asked Sam to wake me when we got there. I fell asleep in the back of the suv.
I was still sleeping when suddenly I felt a hand on my face. Then I felt lips against mine I knew right away it was Taron I woke up and kissed him back. I wrapped my arms around him "I'm here finally" "yes you are come in. Sam will you take Katie's things to her room."
At first glance I couldn't believe how big tarons home was especially for just him. It was a three bedroom home and it was very private. I'm sure he wanted it that way to keep the paparazzi at bay. When I walked inside there was a dozen pink roses on the kitchen table for me and a sign that said welcome home katie. It was so adorable. "Let me show you around Katie." He took me to each individual room. He then took me to the spare bedroom he was calling my room. It made me wonder if that meant I couldn't sleep with him. He must had read my mind because then he said "this is only your room because your stuff is in here. The bed is for guests. You will be sleeping in my room that is if you want to." I playfully pushed his shoulder "I was hoping I would get to sleep with my boyfriend unless he intends on me sleeping in a separate room." He kissed me and said "not a chance" he then showed me my new closet. It was huge and filled with the most beautiful clothes. I put my hand over my mouth "wow" "your mom helped me with what size you wear and I had my stylist get everything for you. If there is something you don't like just let me know." "Oh Taron this is wonderful but you didn't have to do this." He put his hand in mine and said "only the best for you katie"

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