Chapter 16 All Of Me

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We arrive back at the hotel and I'm so excited to hear back from Matthew. "Taron I can't believe this I just auditioned for role in one of your movies. How did you think I did be honest" "you did wonderful Katie, but if something happens and you don't get the role I think you would make a perfect Daisy" well thank you babe but I'm not expecting anything to happen I'm just glad for the opportunity." Taron sits beside me on the couch and pulls me close. "So I was thinking since tomorrow is our last day in New York I would take you to see a show on Broadway" "Taron I would love that!" I lean over and kiss him. As we are kissing my phone rings I look to see it is Scarlett. She texted me a link to a fashion article, when I open the link it is a list of the top ten woman dressed this week and I was number five and six for both of my looks at the red carpets. I begin to scream in excitement Taron worried asks "katie what's wrong?" "You are looking at this weeks top dressed woman. Taron I've made it into the top ten." I show him my phone and he kisses me "see I'm not the only one that sees your true beauty." In my mind I'm still trying to process all that has happened in the past five months, a part of me still worries this fairy tale won't last forever.

The next day Taron takes me to the broadway production of Beauty and the Beast. This has always been my favorite movie because of the meaning behind the story, beauty is found within. When we arrive at the theater the paparazzi are complimenting me for making the top ten this week. One even asked me how I feel about becoming a star overnight. I didn't know how to answer him so I just said "I'm not the star Taron is. I'm just a girl from Virginia" we enter the theater and have taken our seats, Taron got us in the front row. While I am watching the play I see out of the corner of my eye Taron staring at me, he runs his fingers across my hand and I feel him draw a heart. I look at him and kiss his cheek and whisper "I love you Taron" my favorite scene comes up when Belle confesses her love for the beast and he turns into the prince. I begin to tear up from joy Taron wraps his arms around me and says "you will always be my beauty" when he says this I cry even more. He hold me tight "I love you Katie LeAnn" next he decides to take me to dinner. Instead of going somewhere fancy I wanted to try a New York style pizza, so we found a small pizza joint close to the theater. When we go in the owner immediately recognizes Taron and asks for a photo and autograph. While Taron is taking the photo the owners teenage daughter comes up to me "Your Katie right?" "Yes I am" "Can I have your autograph? "Of course sweetie" as I sign a napkin for her she says "when I grow up I want to be just like you. Your not afraid to be yourself and you don't let anyone tell you your not beautiful" I hug the girl and say "let me give you some advice when you grow up be sure to stay true to yourself. Always remember true beauty lies within." The girl hugs me again and thanks me. As she walks away Taron looks at me smiling. "You know if you do get the part in my movie I think you will become a role model for many young girls all over the world" "you think so? What if I'm a disappointment" he walks over to me and kisses me "you are never a disappointment. Now come on let's eat and head back to the room" we eat our pizza and head back to the hotel.

On the ride back to the hotel Taron asks sam to give us some privacy in the limo. When Sam puts up the privacy window Taron leans over and kisses me. As we are kissing his hands is running up and down my body driving me crazy. We slowly lean back in the seats and he is on top of me. He starts to kiss my neck and make his way down to my breasts. I start to take my top off and he whispers "just wait until we get into the room" suddenly the limo comes to stop and Sam says we are at the hotel. Taron rushes over to my door and opens it. He takes my hand and we run inside the hotel. When we get on the elevator just as soon as the doors closes Taron kisses me. I feel like I'm in the elevator scene in 50 shades of gray. He is kissing me like he hasn't kissed me in days but hey I'm not going to complain. Thankfully no one was waiting for the elevator on our floor he lets go of me from kissing and we run down the hall to our room. When we finally get in the room Taron closes the door he walks over to me and whispers "finally I have you all to myself"

He leans in and kisses me. We take each other's clothes off, and only make it to the couch in the living room. He gets on top of me wraps my legs around his back as he moves with me I squeeze harder with my legs and push him into more. It seems every time we have sex he finds new ways to surprise me, and every time he is more passionate. When we finish on the couch to take a breath I lay my head in his lap. "Taron there's something I've been wanting to ask you but I was to scared to." "Katie you can ask me anything" "I know that now but I am a little embarrassed to ask" "what is it?" "Well does my body ever bother you when we make love? I mean I guess I want to know if I live up to your expectations, am I a good lover?" He looks at me with confusion on his face. "What makes you ask such a silly question. I love your body, and your a excellent lover beautiful." He leans down and kisses me. "I was just worried because my ex husband said after we got divorced I was horrible and he never liked my body." Taron looks down in my eyes "his loss is my gain, Katie don't you ever be ashamed of your body and think you are not a good enough for me because you are perfect."

I get up and kiss him "Taron no one in my life has ever made me feel more beautiful than you, Your the most wonderful man I have ever met, thank you for loving this farmers daughter with a big heart that now and forever will belong to you." I see a small tear roll down his face and we begin to kiss again. Every moment I spend with Taron the more I realize how sweet and caring he is. I knew before how kind he was but I never dreamed he would someday be the first man to ever love me for the real me. He has never been fake with me or lied to me about his feelings, he supports me, he laughs with me and not at me. I wonder in my mind if truly knows how much he means to me, I'm afraid my words my not be enough to express it. Suddenly Taron stands up and says for me to wait a minute. He starts to play music the song is all of me by John Legend. He walks over to me and asks me to dance with him in the living room. He wraps his arms around my waist, we are still naked so the warmth of his body is making me tingle as we dance to the music. He begins to sing softly to me "All of me loves all of you, love all your curves and all your edges all your perfect imperfections" while he sings this his hands run across my stomach and my curves, it was the most romantic moment in my life. Our love has been short but i have never been more comfortable with a man my entire life. Even when I was married deep down I had a feeling that my husband didn't feel the same way I did but now with Taron there is no doubt in my mind he doesn't love me.

Southern Girl and A Star (a Taron Egerton fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now