Chapter 2 Is This Real?

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"LeAnn time to get up" my father yelled from downstairs. It was five o clock and I had only been asleep for roughly two hours. " I'm up dad I'll be right down." I said yawning. I went into my bathroom and got ready. I put on my bib overalls, my cowboy boots and pulled my hair back into a pony tail. I went downstairs to see my father was already outside on the John Deere tractor. I ran beside the tractor and asked " what do I need to get started on first dad?" " well first how about you get those bales of hay in the back of the truck and put them in the barn" my father asked " yes sir" I replied. I went over to dads old Ford flat bad pickup and began to carry the hay. I was used to the manual labor, I had been helping dad on the farm since I was a teenager and one day the farm would be left to me. I had my phone in my pocket in case of emergency, suddenly I felt it vibrate. I looked down and it was a message on my Instagram from Taron. " good morning katie here is my number I forgot to send it to you last night I look forward to talking to you again." I read the message twice to make sure I wasn't dreaming then I realized what happened last night was real. I actually did talk to Taron on the phone. I smiled so big even my dad noticed. "LeAnn get back to work!" He yelled from across the filed. " yes sir" I yelled back. I put my phone away until my chores were done.

It was finally lunch time. I went back to the house where my mother had two sandwiches on the table for me and dad. I sat down to eat and immediately pulled my phone back out. I sent Taron a message back " sorry I am just now getting back to you, been busy this morning. Here is my number if you wanna talk later." I looked up and my mother had a smile on her face. "What?" I asked. " Oh nothing, it's just that's the first time you have smiled in months Katie. Are you talking to a boy?" My mom asked.
"No mom I'm not!" I said back annoyed. "Ok well whoever it is please tell them thank you for making you smile again!" My mom said then she left the room. I wasn't ready to tell my mom that I spoke with Taron just yet. Besides it was only a one time thing. He probably was bored out of his mind last night and has forgotten all about me.
I returned back to work and finished my last chores for dad. My favorite, feeding the cows. We have a total of thirty cows and most them have names. Especially the four of my own. Betsy, Bessie, Ruby and Jolene. I gave the cows their food and petted my four girls before going inside. I was covered In mud and dirt so I went to my room to change.
When I took my bib overalls off my phone vibrated again I ran to get it out of my pocket. This time it was a text message direct to my phone. It was a picture. I opened it and it was a selfie of Taron. In the message it said " I wanted you to know it was really me again". In the photo he was holding a paper sign that said Katie. I blushed and smiled. I replied back " why hello there Mr.Egerton it is so nice to see you again."
I went into my bathroom washed off and changed clothes. While was in there I received another message from Taron. " is it a bad time to call you now?" I replied " well I'm about to eat dinner with my family can we talk after?" He quickly answered yes with a wink face emoji.
I ran downstairs and ate my dinner as quickly as I could so I could go back to my room and talk to Taron. My mother immediately notices I am acting funny. " Katie sweetheart are you ok? Why are you eating so fast?"My mom asked. "Let the girl eat how she wants" my dad replied for me. " mom I'm fine I just am really hungry and wanted to get to bed early tonight." I said. "Ok dear" my mom said.
I helped mom with the dirty dishes, rushed back to my room, and shut my door. I went into my bathroom and changed my clothes again just in case Taron asked to video chat again. I went over the my closet and decided to wear a pink top and blue jeans. I have been told in the past I look best in pink. I decided to put on just a little bit of make up too. I applied my foundation, eye liner and small amount of mascara. Before I knew it, my phone vibrated and it was Taron. " so can we talk now?" " yes" I replied. " are you good to video chat now?" He asked. I replied back yes.
Within a few minutes my FaceTime rang and it was from Tarons phone. I accepted the call and I could see his handsome face. "Hi Katie how are you?" He asked " I'm fine? And you? How has your day been?" I asked. " Better now that I get to see you." He said. I began to blush hoping he wouldn't notice. " you know for someone who has been working out on the farm all day you look beautiful." He said. I blushed even more now and my heart was racing. " really? Thank you! Believe me you should have seen me earlier I was covered in mud not a very attractive sight." He started to laugh, he was so cute when he laughed. " you know you didn't have to dress up for me, I don't care what you wear. I'm still gonna think you look beautiful." He said

I began to tear up a little in my eyes from his kind words. I was not used to being called beautiful. I am chubby and have been my whole life. I was made fun of everyday in high school and I never dated anyone until I met my now ex husband. Taron noticed the tears coming from my eyes and asked " are you ok katie have I said something wrong?" " no, it's just that I've been through a lot this past year Taron and I just am not used to being called beautiful is all." I said back and wiped the tear from my check. " well you should be told that everyday because it's true." He said back.
I blushed. " Taron can I ask you a personal question? Why do you think I'm beautiful. I am a nobody, just a fan of yours, you should be talking to a much more beautiful woman." I asked. While I looked on the screen of my phone I noticed Taron was staring at me very hard it made me feel like he was staring right into my very soul. I started to get nervous and I bit my lip. He then said " Katie I think your beautiful because you are so sweet, kind and loving. I have never met a woman like you before. For once in my life I feel like I have met a woman that wants to know me for the real me and not because I am famous. I could tell just by looking at your blue eyes in your photos you were the type of woman any man would be lucky to have, and your ex husband is a idiot for letting you go."
My heart felt so full by his words I began to tear up again. I didn't know what to say. Suddenly Taron said " I wish I was there to hold you Katie." I couldn't believe this was happening to me. My favorite actor is telling me he wants to hold me.
After I calmed down we began to talk and we FaceTimed for almost eight hours straight. My phone almost died so many times but I didn't want our conversation to end. The entire time we talked we got to know each other so well.
I started getting sleepy and he could tell I was tired. " are you ready to go to sleep?" He asked. " no I'm not tired." I yawned. " yes you are you better get some sleep." He said back. " well ok" I said back. "Goodnight Taron, sweet dreams" I said. "Goodnight Katie I will call you tomorrow and don't worry I will have sweet dreams about you." He said back and hung up.

I went into the bathrooom, took a quick shower, put my pajamas on and laid down on my bed. I was so excited about what was happening to me when I tried to close my eyes I couldn't. I then decided to listen to some soothing music. I had my play list on shuffle all of a sudden Tarons version of I'm Still Standing from the first Sing movie came on. I smiled and listed to his sweet voice the  drifted off to sleep.

Southern Girl and A Star (a Taron Egerton fanfiction) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora