Chapter 19 Birthday

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August 11th 3 months later

It's been three months since I have seen Taron, and it has been so hard. I miss him like crazy but I believe this distance has made us stronger. Since Rocketman premiered Karen has told me taron is getting so many projects offers when he returns he will be a very busy man. I'm so glad people are finally seeing how talented he is and he will get these opportunities even if that means more time we have to spend a part. The tabloids in Britain thinks we have broken up because we haven't been seen together in three months. Rumors have spread that Taron is dating someone else, of course this is not true. Taron has kept his promise to me since he has been gone. He calls me every day, we FaceTime, and he even has written me a few letters. Tomorrow is my birthday and more than anything I would love to see him. Even if it's just for a day.

I head downstairs from my bedroom to find mom in the kitchen. "Katie sweetheart what would you like to do tomorrow for your birthday?" "Could you magically bring Taron home?" "No I can't I'm sorry dear. I knows it's hard and you miss him, you guys will be able to see each other again soon." "I know mom. I can't be selfish all the time. He is such a great actor and I know now he will be busier than ever. I just hope he won't get sick of me once he is more famous and find someone else." "Katie he loves you." "I know he does I just hope it will be enough." I give my mom a hug suddenly my phone rings and it's Taron. I head up to my bedroom so I can talk to him.

"Hey handsome. How are you I miss you" "Hello beautiful I'm ok just missing you more, oh by the way Happy Early Birthday"  "aww babe you remembered" "of course I remembered your birth is a very important day in my book I'm just sorry I can't be there to celebrate with you." "It's ok you can make it up to me when your on break. How much longer will that be?" "Just one more week then I'll be able to see you" "it can't come soon enough" I hear someone talk to Taron in the background to come back onto set. "I'm so sorry katie but they need me back on set, I'll FaceTime you tonight. I love you" "I love you more Taron" I hang up the phone and head back downstairs. When I head downstairs my mom asks me to go to the grocery store with her so I can pick out dinner for tomorrow.

As we walk into the grocery store I notice people are staring at me. You see since I came home this small town suddenly knows who Taron is and we are dating. Most people that never spoke to me now are nice to me, I know it's all fake so I try not to let it get to me. One person I didn't want to run into of course came over and spoke to us, my ex husbands new wife Alex. "Why hello there how y'all doing?" "Fine Alex and you" "oh just getting some things for the little one back home, hey katie I hear you and your boyfriend Taron broke up I'm sorry to hear that." "That's not true Alex we are still together." "Oh really well, you must know it's not going to last darling I mean have you seen how popular he has become now since Rocketman. He needs a trophy woman beside him now not you." She walks away before I can say anything. I think about what she has said maybe she is right?

We get home, I start to get ready for bed waiting for Taron to FaceTime me. He sends me a quick text "I'm sorry baby but I won't be able to FaceTime you tonight. We have to shoot a scene at night and it will be too late for me to call you when we are finished. I love you so much" I lay my phone down and decide to head to sleep. I dream about Taron tonight, we are back home and his whole family is there. He is singing to me I look down and notice my belly is bigger than normal I look in the mirror and I'm pregnant. He wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses my cheek. I then look down and see a beautiful ring on my left hand. I realize he is singing Happy Birthday to me. The singing gets softer and softer, I can feel a hand in mine, I slowly open my eyes. When I open my eyes Taron is sitting on my bed. "Taron are you really here" he leans over and kisses me. "I'm here beautiful Happy Birthday" I hug him tightly. I look over at the clock and see it is early morning.

"How did you get here babe I thought your break is not until next week." "Well everyone on set knew it was your birthday today, so Matthew let me come over to America a day early we start shooting in Kentucky tomorrow." "That's great. I'm so happy to see you" "me to my love I've missed you so much, which is why I have the best present for you." "Taron you didn't have to get me anything" "Well technically this is a gift from Matthew, he is letting you come and be on the set with me until we finish the movie." "Wait are you serious Taron? Won't I distract you to much?" "No you won't... ok maybe a little" he leans over and starts to kiss me passionately. I pull him away for a second "Taron this is great but I don't want to get you in trouble." "No you won't Katie besides it was Matthews idea anyway he knows how much I've missed you and I think he worked it out with the producers to let you come on set." I jump into his arms. "This is the best birthday ever." He hugs me tightly. "Were you having a bad dream when I woke you up Katie, you were talking in your sleep a little." "No I'm ok" I decide not to tell Taron about my dream. I'm worried it would scare him away, I mean it was only a dream. Although I would love if that is what the future holds for us but I'm good with our relationship here and now.

"Oh I almost forgot this is your real gift from me." He hands me box. I open the box slowly, when I open it I am surprised and confused. It's a set of car keys. Not just any car keys, it's keys to a Cadillac. "Taron what are these?" "The keys to your new car back home." "Oh my god Taron this is to much! You didn't have to buy me a car! Especially not as expensive as a Cadillac!" "I wanted you to have your own car when we get back home, you need to learn how to drive in my country, and besides only the best for you babe. I have a picture of it on my phone for you to see it." He hands me his phone it's a pearl white with the diamond coating on top. "Taron this is beautiful" "I had to get you the diamond coating of course" I lean over and kiss him. "Taron you spoil me to much with such nice things, I feel awful I can't do that for you" "you do spoil me katie with your love."

For the rest of the day we have dinner with my parents and Taron helps me back some clothes for the trip to Kentucky. "Taron babe do I need to back a few dresses just in case? Or should I just pack blue jeans?" "It's whatever you want babe we will be on set most of the time unless Matthew or any of the cast wants to go out for dinner." As I am packing I feel Taron behind me starting to kiss my neck. He whispers in my ear "I've missed you so much, I've been waiting all day to do this" he turns me around and lays me down on the bed. "Taron my parents are downstairs" "they've went to bed, don't worry I'll try not to make you scream to loud" he starts to take my clothes off. Feeling his touch again sends shivers up my spine. He kisses his way up my body, he gets on top of me and begins to thrust. We both moan in pleasure, he is a excellent lover I still get overwhelmed at times how sexy he is and how lucky I am he wants me so much. We lay down beside each other to catch our breaths "Taron I love you, this has been the best birthday" he kisses my forehead "I love you too Katie I'm glad you enjoyed today and you get to come back with me tomorrow." I slowly drift off to sleep thinking about what will happen on set with Taron for the next three months, I just hope all our time we still be like this.

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