Chapter 18 Precious Time

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The next morning I wake up and Taron is still asleep. I slowly get out of bed and get ready. If I'm going to sneak and get a ring for him I need to do it while he's asleep. I text Sam and ask him to come and get me. I leave Taron a note and tell him I needed to run some errands. Sam picks me up "where to miss Katie" "can you take me to a jewelry shop please" "of course there's one not far from here." He drives me across town, and we pull into a small jewelry store. The clerk greets me "Hello young lady what can I help you with today" "I'm looking for a gift for my boyfriend. He is about to go away for a year and I want to give him something he can have to always think of me with." She walks around the store she looks down at my promise ring "oh miss I recognize this beauty. It was special ordered by mr Egerton. Few months ago. You must be katie. Don't you worry we will find him something." "Thank you mam. I was actually thinking about getting him a ring." "That's perfect he will love it. I actually already know what size he is. He actually tried on some when he was here to buy yours." "He did why was he trying on rings" "I think he honestly wanted to think about a future. That's how he put it." When clerk told me this I thought how sweet is Taron really thinking about marrying me? She lays down different rings for me to choose from I see a plain titanium one, I hold it up and it already has engraved inside of it I love you. "That's the one. Can you add my name to it too" "of course just give me a couple hours and I'll have it ready." I walk out of the shop and ask Sam to take me to the grocery store now to pick up a few things. I run to the store and buy what I need to make my famous fried apple pies. I also decide to buy steak and salad for dinner. I've been wanting to cook for Taron but he usually takes me out. Sam takes me back to the jewelry shop and the ring is ready. "It's perfect thank you" "your welcome miss Katie oh and don't worry about reporters finding out about it. I promised Taron when he bought your ring I would not tell anyone."

Sam drives me back home, he helps me carry the groceries in and I go hide tarons gift in my closet. I put the groceries away and Taron comes into the kitchen just waking up. "Good morning sleepy head." "Good morning babe where have you been." "Oh just to the store I wanted to cook you dinner and desert tonight" "aw katie how sweet. What are we having?" "It's a surprise" "Okay" he kisses my forehead. "Now how about you go watch movies or go to your man cave while I get everything ready." He looks at me and raises a eyebrow "please" "ok but I may come in here and check on you every so often." I kiss him "that's fine by me" I start getting my surprise dinner ready. I first start making my fried apple pies those take the longest to cook. I get the apples cooked and start to make my dough. Taron can smell the apples from the living room he yells "whatever your cooking smells delicious babe am I allowed to come in yet." "Not yet please" "ok"

I finish the pies and start working on the steak, baked potato, and salad. I have been in the kitchen most of the day so I hope he will like my surprise. I finally have everything ready, I go into the closet and get Tarons ring and put it in my blue jean pocket. I walk into the living room "your dinner awaits sir" he gets up off the couch and walks over to the table. I set the table with candles and tried to make it romantic. He holds my hand and whispers "your the best Katie this looks lovely thank you" we sit down and start to eat our dinner.

"Wow Katie I have to say this is the best steak I've had in a long time. I never knew you could cook too" "well I know you are used to going out and I wanted to spoil you before you leave Friday. You ready for dessert?" "Yes please" he leans over the table and kisses me. I laugh "not me silly, I made you my famous fried apple pies" he takes a bite of it and smiles "oh my Katie these are delicious no wonder you had the house smelling so good" he kisses me some more. "I have one more surprise for you Taron" "babe you have done enough" "well I wanted to do one more thing just close your eyes" he raises a eye brow at me and closes his eyes. I reach for the ring in my pocket, I get down on one knee the same he did for me when he gave me my ring. I take his hand, open the box and place it in it "ok you can open your eyes" when he opens his eyes he smiles when he sees the ring. "Taron I give you this ring as a promise. I promise while you are away I will only be thinking of you and missing you. I promise to love you unconditionally and forever faithful to you. I promise to support you in your career and finally I promise you have my heart forever and always." I see tears rolling down his face I put the ring on his right ring finger. "Will you wear it while your gone?" "Of course I will baby. This is the best gift anyone has ever given me. You truly are the most amazing woman I have ever met in my life. I never knew someone could love me as much as you do. Your love is rare just like you my beautiful diamond." He helps me get up off my knees and kisses me.

The next two days with Taron is magical. We spend every moment together. We mostly stayed at home in bed together but I will miss waking up in his arms everyday. Feeling his body against me trying to help me get warm. I know I will definitely miss the way his green eyes look into mine. He looks at me the way every woman wishes a man would look at her. You can see the love in his eyes and he looks at you like your the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He has looked at me this way since he first say me in person and he has never stopped, and I hope he never does. It's Friday morning and it's time for me to leave to go back home to Virginia. I wake up with Taron running his hand across my face. "Good morning beautiful" "good morning handsome" I lean over and kiss him. I get up and start getting ready. As I get dressed Taron stays right by my side. Every chance he gets he hugs me, kisses me or holds my hand. I gather my bags and we have Sam drive us to the airport.

Thankfully we have not seen any paparazzi following us to the airport. I'm sure if they see I'm leaving it will be all over there news we have broke up, or if they see his promise ring they will think we got married in secret. "Taron are you sure your still ok wearing your ring, I honestly didn't think about the paparazzi seeing it." "It's no different than yours baby and besides I'm going to wear it proudly just like you wear your ring and bracelet I got for you." We arrive at the airport and I feel like I am going to throw up. My emotions get the best of me. As we walk up to the luggage claim I can feel my hands start to shake, Taron notices my change. He has Sam take my luggage for us and he pulls me close.

"Katie LeAnn you listen to me this is not goodbye for us ok. No matter how long we are apart I will always come back to you. Don't you ever doubt that ok." I begin to cry. He kisses me softly. He puts his forehead up to mine so he is looking deep into my eyes holding my hands tightly. "I will see you as soon as I can. I will call you everyday, I promise" I'm crying so hard I can't even speak. He begins to tear up too. I finally am able to say "Taron I love you with all my heart. Please be careful" "I will I love you more" It was time for me to go. I let go of his hand wave bye. As I am leaving he sends me one last kiss and I love you. Now comes the hard part, being away from him.

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