Chapter 25 A New Family

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Three Months After Audrey's Birth

I knew our lives would change once Audrey was born but I never imagined this. Taron was named this years breakthrough actor and was featured on the cover of Vanity Fair. They are doing a complete story of his rise to stardom, his recent projects, our family and how he is balancing it all. Today's when the photographers will be here. I'm in Audrey's nursery changing her diaper when I feel Taron wrap his arms around my waist. "I've got this babe. Scarlett is here to help you get ready" "you sure Taron? It is my turn" "I'm good now go" he kisses my cheek. Before I completely leave i watch taron with our daughter. After he changes her he picks her up and sings to her. She melts in his arms, she is always so calm around him. She is definitely a daddy's girl. Scarlett and the team pick out a pink sundress for me to wear. They curl my hair and apply light natural makeup. As Taron gets ready, the photographer asks to take a few photos of me and Audrey alone. As he is taking the photos a reporter asks me questions.
"When is the big day?"
"Honestly we haven't talked about it since Christmas. When Audrey was born our life has been busy."
"How does it feel to be engaged to hottest actor in Welsh?"
"I dont see taron as a celebrity. Hes a normal guy. I didn't fall in love with him because of his fame. I feel in love with him because he loved me for who I am, he never wanted to change me, he never made me feel bad about myself, and hes the only man that's ever made me feel beautiful"
"That's because you are my diamond" taron says as he walks into the room. He pulls me into him and kisses me passionately. We continue the interview, and everyone leaves. Taron and I have audrey in our laps watching Beauty and the Beast. Audrey slowly drifts off to sleep halfway through the movie.
"I'll put her down for the night" he asks. He takes her into her nursery, as he starts to walk away she wakes up again and starts to cry. I get up from the couch to check on them, when I walk inside he is talking to her
"My beautiful little Audrey you and your mother are the lights of my life." He kisses her forehead, sings her a lullaby and drifts off to sleep. I walk in and wrap my arms around him.
"How did I get so lucky to have you?"
"I think it's more the other way around" he turns around and kisses me. We start making our way into our bedroom. He breaks away from me and looks into my eyes.
"Katie I have to tell you something. The press tour for Kingsman 3 is coming up in a couple days.. I won't be able to come home for a month"
"Its fine Taron I know you need to do this. Where are you going to this time?"
"New York, London, LA, Korea and Japan.. I wish you and Audrey could come with me"
"Taron Audrey's not old enough yet and besides we would be too much of a distraction"
"Well that is true" he leans down and slowly kisses my neck. "I want to make the most of the time I have now with you before I go" as he is kissing me I try to ask him "we still haven't talked about our wedding yet" "we will beautiful soon" "you haven't changed your mind Mr Egerton because you've become a sex symbol overnight have you" "of course not! Your the only one for me" he pulls me in for a passionate kiss. Things get hot and heavy quickly. I pull my dress off and help Taron get out of his button up shirt I hear the baby monitor and Audrey is starting to cry. "I'll get her this time" I pick my dress up off the floor and make my way to the nursery . He follows behind me. I pick Audrey up and give her a bottle. Taron is sitting across from me watching. "Something wrong?" "No just admiring how wonderful a mother you are" he comes over and kisses me softly. After a few hours of burping, bouncing and rocking I finally get Audrey back to sleep. I go I to the bedroom, Taron is laying down on the bed in only his boxers. I walk over to him and straddle myself on top of him "now where were we" he pulls me in and kisses me. I take my dress back off, he unfastens my bra, and slowly starts kissing down my neck. He then takes his kisses down to my breasts, he nipples on them to tease me. He lays me on my back and makes his way down to my stomach, he takes my panties off, uses his finger and massages the inside of my thigh. He then takes his tongue inside of me I moan in pleasure.... it has been too long....... he takes his boxers off and gets on top of me. I wrap my legs around his waist as he thrusts harder harder harder.......

As we catch our breaths Audrey starts crying again. "My turn dont you fo anywhere I'm not finished with you yet" he winks at me as he leaves.
The next morning I wake up to a note beside the bed. Good Morning Beautiful, mum is coming today to watch Audrey while I take you out theres something I want to show you. Tarons mom is already here with rosie's and mari to babysit. I go change and walk out to my car taron is waiting for me. I kiss his cheek
"Where are we going taron?"
"You'll see it's a suprise"
Taron drives us into the part of Welsh that is mostly countryside but it is still fairly close to the ocean. He pulls us into a driveway of a beautiful two story stone home. There a beautiful garden, a couple apple trees, and a small barn. He stops the car and I ask
"Are we visiting a friend or something taron?"
"Actually.." he pulls out a set of keys "this is our home"
"What? Are you serious?" "Do you like it Katie?" "Are you kidding of course I do. Its beautiful taron. But how did you manage to find it" "I had some help it was so hard not telling you though. I was kinda afraid you would want more input on it but I made sure  the house had things I knew you would love. Can I give you the grand tour" I kiss him. "Please"
He first talks me around the front yard, there is plenty of room for Audrey to play when she gets older. The garden is full of Rose's, and wild flowers. The barn is just big enough for a horse. When I approach the barn he takes my hand and covers my eyes "I  have one more suprise" "Taron this is to much already I haven't gotten you anything" "but you did Katie you have given me what I've always wanted a family. Ok open your eyes" in front of me is a beautiful painted horse. she is brown and white. "Oh my God Taron!" I know taron is so scared of horses, so the fact he bought one I was shocked. "But babe I know your afraid of horsea" "Technically she is for you and Audrey both. I knew one day she would probably ask me for a pony so I did better I got a horse. Plus you love horses. Her name is Belle" I go up and pet Belle. "Taron this is amazing. I love you so much" "I love you more Katie. Now next step we gotta get married" "and when is that going to happen" "well how about after my press release" "you want to get married in a month" "yep the sooner the better" "do you know how long it takes to plan a wedding?" "Actually Katie I was wondering if we could have a small private ceremony
I dont want any press, just our close family" "that's actually what I wanted. I had the big white wedding with my first husband i want to do something special with you how about somewhere on a beach" "I don't care I'd we just go to the court house. I'd marry you today anytime anywhere"

Southern Girl and A Star (a Taron Egerton fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now