Switching Shapes and Sizes

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"Come here, you have been randomly chosen to be a test subject for my newest invention."

"Is it dangerous?"

"No, just come, let's go."

"Fine GB."

Golf Ball led Coiny to her lab, where Tennis Ball set up an odd machine.

It was held by one hand, with a ray gun look.

"Are you sure this is safe?"

"Dont worry Coiny, it's fine. Now sit down, as Golf Ball gets the second randomly chosen person."

"Alright," He said as he sat down. "Who is the second person?" Tennis Ball said as Golf Ball left.


"Oh. What a coincidence."

"Yea, I thought so too."

"Need anything to drink or something while we wait?"

"Nah. I'm not thirsty right now."

Tennis Ball nodded and continued prepping the machine.

A few minutes had passed by when the lab door swung open again. Firey walked in, and noticed Coiny.

He ran towards him. "Hey, Coiny! What's going on?"

"Nothing much, yknow, usual."

"Hurry up you two!" Golf Ball demanded.

They both groaned and slumped over towards the Tennis Ball, who had the machine in hand.

"What exactly does this machine do?" Firey asked as it was charging up the blast.

"Switches people's bodies."


The machine had shone a blinding white light that seized their ability to see for the moment.

Coiny and Firey had eventually gained their eyesight back, but, as Golf Ball said, they were in different bodies.

"Alright it worked, now switch us back!" Coiny demanded.

"Dont worry Tennis has the machine to revert you both back to normal. Right TB?"

"Wait, I was supposed to make it?" Golf Ball's eyes froze.

"W-Well, there seems to be technical difficulties."

Coiny and Firey growled. "Dont worry! We'll get straight to working on it!"

They both tapped their feet and crossed their arms. "Hurry up!" Firey demanded.

"Alright. Cmon TB." They both walked into a lab room.

"I'm waiting here." Coiny said.

"Im not. Come get me when you're finished."

"You better not do anything crazy with my body!"

"I won't, dont worry." He said as he shut the entrance.


Firey had sat up on top of his favorite hill. It had a great view. He could see everyone.

He could see the cliff where they had done the paper airplane contest at. He could see his team, and all the other teams.

He didnt tell anybody about this hill. It was sort of a happy place for him. He always came here when he was frustrated, whether it was about Leafy, an arguement, or something else.

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