Super Fear Nova Garden

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Ok, chief. I'm back for only one chapter lol. I just read Supernova chapter 6 and I want to do the story idea lol. So Yea. IceMintFreeze

Pin groaned as she could feel herself wake up.

Her eyes fluttered open, as she surveyed her surroundings.

This wasn't the dark gloomy depths of the forest where she had slept in.

She had her own bed, and was in a house. Her stomach felt fine, and she felt full of energy.

"What?" She mumbled to herself.

She could hear faint knocks from somewhere in the house, which made her cower into her blankets?

Was she kidnapped?

She could hear a door creak open. She hoped it wasn't whatever those things were from the forest.

She could hear the footsteps become closer and closer. She intensely watched the door, ready for whatever was walking around to barge in.


She could hear his soft voice through the ajar door, as he slowly entered.

"Thank God." She sighed.

"What?" Coiny asked.

"I thought you were one of those creatures."


"You know, those weird lights from whatever those creatures are?"

"Pin, I dont know what you are talking about. Did you have a nightmare or something?"

"No, now where is the rest of our team?"

"You know, they're.. dead. As you know."


Coiny stared at her in confusion.

"Where am I?" She yelled out.

Coiny slightly giggled. "In your house, silly."

Pin frantically jolted her head from side to side. "And why doesn't my stomach hurt? Did I have the baby already?"

This made Coinys face flush red. "Wh-What? Pin are you ok?"

"No! What's going on?"

"Pin. Calm down."

Pin slightly breathed slower and quieter.

"I'm worried about you, Pin. Do you have amnesia or something?"

"No. I remember everything. Our team left Four and everyone else, and we sent into-"

"Four?" Coiny interrupted. "Who is that?"

"Wait, you dont know?"

"No? Pin, I think you should see Golf Ball and Tennis Ball. Maybe Gelatins death has you all riled up."

"Gelatin died?"

This pushed Coinys worry to the brim.  "Alright, Pin. Come with me. We need to see Golf Ball."

Pin didnt respond and let him hold her hand, and lead her outside towards wherever Golf Ball lived.


Pin clutched her stomach as she started to awake. Her bed seemed very uncomfortable, more than she could remember.

Her stomach growled, pain making her flinch.

Coinpin storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora