El and Saturn

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Hey, this is actually a school project. Yea. The main character is a space alien on Saturn. You can read the rest. Also, there is a slight reference towards coinpin, so it's not completely clickbait er whatever. Enjoy either way.

The alien woke up in a small cramped space. It was dark, except for a radiating light coming off of it's small body. It gripped hard onto the blubbery skin of the shell it was in. The space flinched a bit. The alien felt something on its back begin to flutter. It started to fly and hover above the ground. It noticed a whole bunch of other aliens with itself. They all looked the same. Eventually, all the aliens woke up. They wanted out as soon as possible. All at once, every alien started to tear and cut through the outer shell. Aqua green blood poured out as they clawed and scratched with their sharp cutting arms. Shrieks and wails were heard, but they kept going. They all finally tore through.

A choking scent filled the air. They held their breath and looked around. Behind them was the thing that they tore out of. The creature that had birthed them looked in pain. They were on a rocky surface, surrounded by millions of other rocks, with more of the same creature that had birthed them, and more of the baby aliens. Ahead was a gassy weird planet. It saw the others start flying toward the ball, so it did the same. It was soon covered by an oddly satisfying atmosphere. It was dark, but it's light still radiated the way. Every alien met up. They all studied each other. Claw tails, claw arms, Big wings, Two eyes, but six other holes used for different things. The bottom two was where the radiated light came from. The two above were used to see. The next pair was closed. The smallest pair looked like it was throbbing. Small groups started to form.

The alien joined a group, unsure of what was going on. All the babies split up in a flurry. They sucked in pieces of the atmosphere as they flew, but they also spewed out some other substance. The group flew around the atmosphere, trying to find something to do.

The group headed out of the ball and towards the uncomfortable air that was outside the ringed planet. Every group of aliens started to fly towards a rock inside the ring. They didn't know why, but instincts led them here. The alien noticed that the small holes that had been throbbing had stopped throbbing. The alien's group all landed on a small rock, and they clutched the rock with their weird grapple like hands. Two things came out from the holes that had been closed earlier, and they dug into the surface. It dug deeper and deeper. It kept digging until it felt a liquid touch the hole hands. The hands sucked up some of the liquid. It felt super satisfying, especially for their stomach. The alien noticed other aliens doing the same thing on other rocks.

The hole hands retracted, coming back into the tiny holes that it had come from. Soon enough, the group finished and headed back towards the gas ball. The alien felt warmer than when they had first entered, maybe from that liquid. Their small holes started to throb again. The aliens noticed a big alien in the distance. The group rushed towards it. It was a skeleton of another alien. The aliens started to feast on it, chewing up every bone until it was all gone. The alien felt bad for the poor skeleton. It probably had a good life. The aliens kept wandering.

One alien suddenly turned on all the others and threatened to kill them. All the aliens scattered, each possessing its own area of space. The alien was frightened for its life, but it knew it had to stay vigilant and cautious. One wrong move and they could be killed by another alien. There were four aliens adjacent to it. The alien had different names for them. A, B, C, and D.

It noticed C backing away from two other aliens teaming up on them. The alien noticed C cross into its territory. It's skin became tense. The hole hands started to drool. It took off like a bullet towards C. C was still backing away. The hole hands came out, ready to grip onto C. The alien tackled C. The alien used its hole mouths to pierce through C's wings, making sure that C couldn't escape. It cut through the skin with its tails, aqua green blood pouring out. C started to twitch and shriek, but fell into silence. They started to eat at the skin. It didn't know why, but it made them feel powerful, fearless, and feared. A and D watched nearby. It made them back off slightly. The alien glared around at the nearby aliens that contested it. The alien decided to give them self a name. El? Maybe. They couldn't think of a different name, so they stuck with El. El watched as the others cowar in fear, watching as El finish off the last pieces of C.

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