Tin Man

35 2 5

Surprisingly there are echoes in the quiet
Sounds with no source set on a loop
I'm paying rent on a life sentence lease in prison

Windows don't mind closing
All but the one that hits hardest
The foundation of my soul is built on
The possibility of it being a sign
Only God and time will tell
The latter is being taken

This lease is being paid on
But the walls don't hold me
Instead it's the trees and the birds
And the distant dog barks
Prison usually holds you
In this instance I'm holding the prison

It's a jail I can't escape from
With pieces I can't pick up
Tiny men on my shoulders are out to lunch
I've been waiting but it's been a long one
Motors still run but on auto pilot
While the master switches beat separately
And choose which echo to replay

It could all be solved
There is an answer to everything
If only I could make a deal
With the Tin Man

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