An Understanding: Sociopaths

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Would you believe me if I were to tell you that you know at least one sociopath?

Maybe they're that person who you coincidentally run into every time you go grocery shopping. Maybe it's that person who you may just have a slight crush on. Maybe they are your parents, your best friend, your boyfriend or girlfriend.

It's really not all too hard to identify one if you are willing to pay close attention. Before I continue however, I feel the need to get something clear. Sociopaths are dangerous in their ways, and in no way should you feel the need to test their patience, because they certainly will break all hell loose out on you if you give them enough reasons to.

However, not all sociopaths have the tendency to slice someone's head right off, because trust me, that'll be the most misunderstood you've ever been. Most sociopaths, believe it or not, aspire to act and develop normal human-like things. You know, stuff like not manipulating anyone just because they can, not devouring other people's gullibility by being a pathological liar at a constant state, not having to feel the need that they are permitted to certain things as their "right" when they do not have the right to it at all. Those are just some of the few things some sociopaths try avoid doing.

Don't be all too confused though, it's not like they're desperate to adapt into neurotypical brain. They are quite self aware, and they're all proud of who they are and how they think. It's what makes them a sociopath, doesn't it?

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