When Mebuki opened the door with an irritated face, Sakura shouted "SURPRISE!" and the two were astounded.
"S-Sakura?!" His father, Kizashi, cried out loud and hugged her daughter, carrying her up as if she was still his little baby girl. He was the most clingy one! Not a moment later, they were joined by Mebuki and they were happily crying at each other.

Sasuke fake coughed for feeling a bit awkward.

"Uhm. Mom, dad, by the way, this here is Uchiha Sasuke." Sakura smiled, "Sasuke, these are my parents."
"Nice to meet you, sir & ma'am." Sasuke shook their hands formally.
Sakura's parents immediately looked at her with a confused look, Sakura knew what it meant already.
"Mom, dad... He's.."

Oh wait. Isn't this their first and last meeting? After this trip, I'd be breaking up with Sasuke anyway.

"He's a good friend." Sakura shrugged. The pinkette earned a very intimidating cold look from Sasuke but he only smiled at the couple. He was clearly shook about her sudden introduction.
"Oh, I see. I thought you were Sakura's boy-"
"Don't be silly dad." Sakura faked her laugh. "He's the son of the U-Corp CEO and we kinda just met there."
"What?!? U-Corp???? That's the company who had been associated with our farm management for years! And you're telling me, that he's the son of the CEO???" Kizashi was obviously in awe and pumped up. "Come, son, let's continue our conversation at the table." Kizashi was more than willing to assist him now. The two went to the table first, leaving the two women behind.

"You hesitated." Mebuki crossed her arms with a hint of smile.
"When you were about to tell us who he is."
"Mom, there's nothing between us but pure professional work." Sakura rolled her eyes.
"Right. He's here, meeting us - your parents, all the way back from Tokyo, just for professional work. Wherein fact, you had never brought a man once here before, but now's the first time and you say it's professional work. Is that what you mean?"
"Stop it mom,"
"I believe you." She sarcastically said and chuckled as she headed to the table.

The four of them talked over dinner, mostly how Sakura's dad was so grateful for the U-Corp. Sasuke seemed to enjoy Kizashi's company. Though Sakura noticed that Sasuke would barely look at her, like he was giving her the cold shoulder. When he would talk, he'd only look at her parents, not at her. It was frustrating. But who was she anyway? Not like she was his girlfriend or anything. But I am his girlfriend! Sakura argued with herself in her mind.

"There's a lot of catching up to do, but your father and I need to rest. We're kinda early tomorrow. It's harvest day, maybe we can catch up tomorrow?" Mebuki said after they were done eating their meal.
"Alright mom, you two rest and we'll wash up."
"You sure?"
"Yes mom, don't worry."
"Fine. And there's an extra futon on your bedroom for Sasuke. Just fix it up later."

As the two were finally alone at the kitchen, Sasuke started washing up the dishes and Sakura was cleaning up the table. The two of them didn't say a word to each other, Sakura couldn't help but stare at his back though, wondering what she did wrong for her to deserve such a cold shoulder. He didn't wanna talk so she wouldn't too.

Sakura, fruatrated, headed to her bedroom to fix the two futons that they will be sleeping on. Sasuke followed after a few minutes.
"I hope you're okay sleeping on this," The pinkette finally said.
"It's fine." Sasuke said as he dumped himself on it.

When the lights were already off, Sakura could hear her father snore by the next room beside hers. She couldn't sleep. She was tossing and turning, unlike Sasuke who had his back turned on her with barely a movement.
"Why are you mad at me???" she whispered aggressively.
"Just sleep, Sakura."
"I can't, because you won't look at me and you keep giving me the cold shoulder. Why are you mad at me??"
"I'm not mad, Sakura. Just go to sleep."

At this point, Sakura was already at the peak of her frustration, it bothers her that Sasuke won't even look at her and that he completely shuts her down. She didn't bother any longer, but she couldn't help herself, she just sobbed and sniffed quietly. Sasuke heard and couldn't stand it.

"Why are you crying?" Sasuke was now bothered, and turned to look at Sakura, who had her back turned on him now. "Stop crying, tiger" His voice was gentle and inviting but Sakura didn't wanna fall for that. She was frustrated.
"Alright, I was mad at you for telling them I was just a good friend." Sasuke admitted.

"But you are, aren't you?" Sakura whispered, she stopped sobbing but it felt even more painful now. It struck to her. Reality struck to her again like a lightning bolt pierced through her heart. "We're just good friends, or just co workers professionally pretending to be lovers."

Stop, Sakura.

"I didn't wanna tell them you're my boyfriend because that wasn't true. This relationship will end soon. This is the first and last time you'll meet them, why do I have to bother telling them you're my boyfriend?"

Stop it now, Sakura.

"Sasuke, I just.. well, Sasori is no longer chasing me, I don't see the point of continuing this act. I- I was planning to finish this after the trip-"

"We can talk about it when we get back to Tokyo. If you want the contract voided, I have no problem with it."

Silence took over the conversation.

Both of them no longer said anything..

How did it come to this?


The next day, Sakura woke up late. She was forcing herself to sleep last night but it took her hours after their heavy conversation. After remembering their conversation last night, she only hoped it was a bad dream.

It was already a few minutes before noon. Sasuke was no longer at his futon and he was not anywhere in the house as well. Mebuki was on her harvesting outfit but she was taking a break as she sat on the porch, sweating and drinking cold water.


"Oh, goodmorning dear, I left you some breakfast at the table."
"Where's Sasuke?"
"Oh, he didn't tell you? I suppose he didn't bother waking you up. Anyway, he told us that he had to go home, there was an emergency. Something about his father." Mebuki looked worried.

Sakura immediately took her phone and dialled Sasuke. She immediately regretted having to be so dramatic last night.
"Sasuke, where are you?"
"I'm already boarding for Tokyo."
"Is everything fine?"
"Father was sent to the hospital. Mom told me not to worry since he's now doing fine. Though, he was advised to rest and I will substitute him at work while he's gone... So I won't be staying in the apartment for a while."
"Oh.. I see.."
"We'll talk about last night once you get back. I'll see you, then."

Though Sakura was worried about Mr. Fugaku, by the looks of it, fate is already working with her in moving on. She was planning to leave Sasuke so here's the opportunity now, the perfect time with the perfect alibi.

But why does it feel so heavy?

Why is a part of her aching?

Let's keep it professional | SasuSaku [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now