"Baby, he didn't care about you. Did he? He treated you like shit as far as I know. You've told me the stories," Andy said.

"He was becoming a better man," Darien said, trying to wipe his tears away, but they were only replaced with new ones. Andy sighed and stepped over to him, attempting to put his arms around his waist.

"Darien, I-"

"Please, don't touch me," Darien sobbed. Andy grew more frustrated.

"Darien, I only kept him away because I was jealous. I could tell you cared for him so much, and I just wanted to feel like I was cared about the same," Andy said sadly. Darien started to feel bad, looking up into Andy's eyes.

No, Darien thought. No, he's lying! He's trying to win you over!

"That was a terrible way to go about getting me to care for you more," he finally choked out.

"I don't know what else to say to you, Darien. I'm trying to get you to understand," Andy said.

"And I'm trying to get you to understand that you really fucked with me, Andy. You really messed with my feelings and my friendships like that. Why would you even think that was okay?" Darien asked.

"Maybe it wasn't okay in the moment, Darien, but it will be later on! Everything happens for a reason and my reasoning for making these things happen was because I love you and I see such potential in our relationship. You and I, we could really do great things," Andy said. Darien only cried more.

"You sound like a completely different person, Andy. You're not the same boy I met in that café. You're a fucking douchebag," Darien said.

"Hey now, watch the harsh words," Andy said. "My Dear, I was only trying to do what was best for us. I'm only looking for things that will make our relationship the most ideal."

"If this is what you call ideal," Darien began. "Then, I don't think I want to be in this relationship anymore."

"What?" Andy asked.

"I don't think this is working out for me, Andy," Darien reiterated. It hurt him, it did. He did love Andy, only, he loved the version he met in the café however long ago. The man in front of him? That wasn't Andy.

"B-but.. but Darien," Andy said, obviously trying not to cry himself. "I love you."

"I loved you too," Darien said. "That's why this is so hard for me to stand here, in front of you, right now. You're not the same."

"I can be! I can be the boy you once knew, I'll show you, I promise, and we'll be happy again," he pleaded.

"No, Andy, we won't. I don't want to keep holding onto something like this. We're.. toxic, Andy. It never really seemed like it, but we are. You twisted the truth and your words to get me to do what you wanted, to make me believe you. You did it to make me think I wanted nothing in this world but you. I fell for your charm, I fell for your game. I fell thinking you loved me like I loved you."

"I do love you, Darien! If I'm sure of one thing, it's that! Doubt me on all accounts, but not that. Don't doubt me on that."

"As much as I'd do my best to believe you, I can't. How could anyone deceive someone they loved like that? Maybe you did love me before, but you didn't when you started playing with me. You felt lust, power, anything but love."

Andy's sad tears grew into angrier ones. He had never been cornered or bashed like this. Darien was the first person to ever confront him, and he was hiding how intimidated he was with anger.

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