Chapter 13

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And then I woke up.

I opened my eyes as a my head pounded with pain. It was dark and silent, so cold it almost felt wet. I tried to move around until I realised that my wrists were in contact with something heavy and cold, ah, chains. How great. I thrashed my arms around trying to break them free, but it was no use.My eyebrows lowered as I remembered what had happened before this and immediately I called for Sam.

"Sam? Sam are you there?" Worry laced within my words. "Yeah, I'm here! Are you okay?" I hear Sams' voice echo in the room. It sounded not too far from me.

"Oh my God, my head is fucked," a male spoke. "Hey, hey what's going on?! Where the hell are we?!" Another spoke. People started to wake up and yell, always asking the same questions and screaming to let them go. None of it was doing any good, then suddenly a dim light flickered on. The room was somewhat lit, and I could see Sam across from where I sat. All 12 of us, sat and chained against the cold stone walls of the cell we sat in. I sigh of relief left my lips as I saw Sam was okay, he gave me a reassuring smile. It made me feel...somewhat better.

"What's going on?" I look beside me and see a girl, she looked young and was wearing a dark blue dress that fell down to her knees. I was stunned, I didn't know what to tell her.
"Hey, hey what's your name?"
"Amelia," she spoke with a tremble in her voice, God. Poor girl. "Where are we?" She looked into my eyes, I could tell she was scared, I mean of course she was. She had witnessed just how many deaths before we came here?? "I don't know, but I promise we'll get out of here," I did my best to smile and convince her, though I don't think I could even convince myself. I wanted to believe it, I tried to. "Okay? There's nothing to worry about," her eyes softened a bit. I wasn't going to let her believe she we were doomed, what kind of a person would I be?

"Hey," a gruff accented voice spoke in front of us. "Don't be a fool and believe her, we're doomed. All of us, we are all gonna-"
"Hey what the fuck is wrong with you?? She's a child? Shut up and have some human decency," no way in hell am I going to let him say that to her. "Better to tell the truth than lie and turn it all into happy unicorns and rainbows, didn't you see what happened out there?! That's going to be us! He said we'll kill each other!" He retorted.
"We. Don't. Know that. How about you shut up? There must be a way out here."
"How? Huh? No one knows where we are! They took all of our belongings and we are chained to a fucking wall! And you're gonna sit here and tell me there's a way out?" He scoffs, I looked down at my hands and thought for a moment. I mean, he was right. How will we make it out? "I looked at Amelia, "I promise, I'll get you out of here. Okay?", she nods. Though she doesn't look convinced.

I rest my head on the wall behind me and look up to the ceiling, I sigh wondering how I always end up in the shittiest positions. It felt like I was trapped in a book of ongoing torture, this wasn't fair. Not on any of us. I closed my eyes, wincing at the stinging feeling from doing so. I hadn't realised how much sleep I'd been losing because of my insomnia. But I think for the first time in a while, I could doze off right here and just forget about all of this. And so I spared myself a few minutes to disconnect, as a well needed slumber took over my body.

My eyes shot open at a familiar voice, I looked out to see- oh great, fucking ski mask. "Ah sorry to keep you all waiting, we just had some business to take care of. I hope you didn't miss us too much."

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