Chapter 12

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Would you rather...

Excuse any mistakes! <3
So this sicko guy and his gang of masked men broke into a cafe to play would you rather with us...

I'm guessing the game is going to include the weapons that sat dangerously on the bloodied tiles.


All I wanted was to eat fucking breakfast with Sam, and now here we are.

My stomach rumbled, I glanced down at the pancakes that I never got to eat. I know, I really shouldn't be thinking about food right now. I mean, there was literally a dead guy in the middle of shop.

"So, lets get started then shall we?" Ski mask said. "You there," he pointed to a young, brunette woman. "You'll be up first, come up here." He said, his gaze not leaving her shaken state. She hesitantly walked over to Ski mask with trembling knees and a sweating forehead. "Come on, come on. We don't have all day." He said waving around his hands.

Once she was stood in front of him, he spoke out, "Would you rather kill the old lady," he pointed towards the aged woman, her hair grey and skin wrinkled. "Or kitten at the back." He pointed towards me.

What the fuck?

What the actual fuck was this shit?

The brunette turned and met my eyes for a second, she was fearful. Then, she glanced at the old lady. "Please, I don't want to kill any-"

A menacing chuckle escaped his lips. "I don't want to hear none of that nonsense. Now choose. You even get to pick your weapon," he sneered, pointing towards the open suitcase on the floor.

Her face was full of tears, snot running down to her lip and red puffy eyes. "Please I-"

"Hurry up," Ski mask said, this time it was noticeably more stern. You could tell he wasn't joking, his patience was running out.

Her feet walked along the tiles, over to the suitcase. Her knees buckled as she fell in front of the weapons. Her hands grazing each weapon, she slowly picked out a small hand gun. With trembling hands, she examined the gun. I doubt she'd ever used one before.

"Ahhh, going for the good hand gun." He said in a playful manor. Slowly lifting the gun, the woman stood there eyeing me and the old woman. My eyes darted to the old woman, who was either about to be shot or she was going to be the last person I see before I get shot.

But, the same question that circled in the lady's mind. Who should die, who should get shot?
The smart answer would be obvious to go for...


The gun set off.

I was still alive, yeah no I was definitely alive. Screams grew louder, more people started crying.

Blood pooled from the old lady's wound, dripping down onto the polished tiles. As she looked up to the shooter, the life from her eyes slowly disappeared as she took her last breath. Her now lifeless body fell onto floor with a thud. Everyone stared wide eyed in shock and fear as the gun slipped from the brunettes hand. Her knees buckled, dropping down onto the floor as she sobbed.

" killed her!" A man yelled, looking about in his fifty's and wearing a suit. He had very little gray hair and a moustache. "I..I had no choice! She was going to fucking die anyways, would you rather have me killing her!?" She pointed to me, Sams hand immediately squeezed mine at the mention of me.

Ski mask patted a hand on the women's shoulder, "Great way of thinking! She was going to die anyways, well done. You've just killed someone, how do you feel?" He said menacingly, the mocking tone laced within his voice.

This sick fucking bastard

"Sam, what the fuck do we do. We are literally fucked here." I whispered to Sam, barely moving my lips and whispering ever so quietly. Just enough so only Sam could hear.
"I don't know, just wait out. Maybe the police will arrive soon." He said back, just as quietly.
"You heard him before, they aren't going to come. If they were, we would be out of this shit hole right now."
"Well, we'll think of something."
Sams grip on my hand became tighter, his thumb gently rubbing against my knuckles to comfort me.

All the while me and Sam has our little conversation, the women shrieked and got up from her knees. Her hands reaching out for Ski masks neck, attempting to choke him.

Big mistake

Big, big, big mistake

He was obviously stronger than she was, immediately he grabbed her wrists and pinned her against the wall, slamming her body roughly while doing so. She squirmed and sobbed under his touch, the grip he had on her wrists was tight and was only going to become tighter.

"You better fucking behave, think twice before fucking laying your filthy hands on me, you bitch." Letting her wrists go, he left no time for her to breathe and immediately sent a hard slap across her face. You could tell he was staring daggers at her, even through the mask. She screamed and put her hand over the newly forming purple bruise on the side of her left cheek.

Before giving her one last glare, he spat on her face and walked back into the centre of the building. "I don't think anyone needs a further demonstration of what I'll do to you if you misbehave. If anyone still doesn't understand, please do come forward. This time, I'll demonstrate on you."

If course, no one dared to speak up. Or at least, that's what I thought...

"Please! Just leave us alone, take our money, take everything. Just don't kill anyone!" Everyone looked towards the voice of a young female. She was wearing the uniform of the cafe, she works here... "Hm? Oh, I won't be killing anyone." The same menacing tone laced in his voice sent shivers down my spine, "you're all going to kill each other! Remember the game we're playing! Come on, how has no one caught up yet?" He chuckled.
"Oh, but we're going to have to move somewhere else to have our fun."
Everyone was so focused on what this ass had to say that no one noticed the rest of his masked men behind us, bats ready to swing in their hands. I quickly glanced at Sam before everything around me fell into darkness.

Slowly losing consciousness..


Wow wow wow it's been so long since I've updated, I truly apologise for forgetting about this story and leaving yous hanging. I hope this story can live up to your expectations and if not I do apologise haha. I quickly wrote the rest of this chapter but yeah LMFAO ENJOY!

~ Luna <3

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