He seemed to be shocked but knew better than to react with a rash emotion. He nodded, "Be careful on the road, Megan. There's a cool front coming in."

I kissed his cheek and hugged him, "Love you."

He responded, "Love you too, sweetie."

Keeping my mind from racing was impossible, and judging by the sound of Shawn's voice it wasn't good. The more I thought about the possibilities for Sam's condition the more frightened I became. I was just praying to God that she wasn't seriously injured.

And that she hadn't been driving under the influence.

I knew how Sam was, and as I sped down the deserted highway the possibilities that Sam had drank a bit was high. If she had decided to go to her family gathering there was a possibility that she had managed to sip on some kind of drink, and she was tiny enough to hold an alcohol level above the limit for a while.

The minutes passed like hours as I made my way down the road, and I felt a sense of fear overtake me the closer I got to the hospital. If Sam had been drunk when she wrecked I wasn't going to let it happen any longer.

I wasn't going to let her keep hurting herself.

I had never told Sam this, mostly because I knew what her reaction would be, and it would most likely sever anything we had between us. The way she drank, her habits and her anger reminded me of someone she despised and loved at the same time.

She reminded me of her father, and as much as I hated admitting it to myself, I saw her turning into him.

The farther she slipped into this depression she was battling the more I saw it, and if she had been drinking and wrecked because of it, it would only prove my theory further.

And if that was the case, I was going to stop it.

Then the bad thoughts started swarming through my brain as I thought about the things I could be walking into. Shawn hadn't given me much whenever he had called, but it was just enough to make me want to drop dead right in my family's house.

What if Sam had broken something? A leg, an arm, or God forbid something extreme like her back... What if she was paralyzed? I felt something in my heart quiver at the thought of Sam actually in a wheel chair, never being able to walk or drive again. I felt the acceleration of my car increase at that thought.

What if Sam had hit another driver? What if she killed a family? A mother, a daughter, or a baby... she would be sent away to jail for homicide. I had always imagined Sam in a jail suit, simply because she had horrible drug abuse problems, but never like this.

Then the most horrific thought came to mind, and I could feel my heart accelerate as tears threatened to escape my eyes.

What if Sam died?

The thought itself was scary enough to send me into a state of panic as I got closer and closer to the hospital. What would I do if Sam actually died?

I imagined walking into the hospital, seeing Shawn pacing around the waiting room for a doctor to deliver the bad news. I would show up just in time to hear those haunting words no one ever wanted to hear, "I'm sorry, but she didn't make it. We were too late."

My heart pounded, as if it was really happening, and the thought of losing Sam was enough to cripple me right then and there. What would happen to me if it really did happen? How would I deal with something like this?

There would be absolutely no coping with it, getting over it would be nest to impossible. Losing Sam would hurt me, it would scar me for the rest of my life, and it was something I knew deep down in my heart that I would never be able to get over it.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now