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It was a little past six in the evening when the bunker's front door opened and the sound of familiar voices beckoned Sam's attention away from his research. He looked up from his laptop the moment Dean and Alaine ambled through the large archway. They sauntered into the library, hand-in-hand, as Sam pushed out of his chair to greet them. He met them halfway and smiled big.

"Hey, how'd the appointment go?"

Dean stopped by the end of the middle table, his fingers squeezing firmly around Alaine's hand. He cast her sideways glance, a soft smiling rising to his lips. "It went."

"Come on, man. Details. Do you know what you're having?"

"No, but we'll find out in six weeks," Alaine beamed. "The doctor gave us snapshots of the ultrasound to take home."

The younger Winchester's eyes lit up excitedly. "Really? Can I see?"

Dean fished out the envelope of photos from the inner pocket of his jacket, handing them over to his brother. "Here. There's something we gotta tell you first before you get a look at those."

"What's that?" A puzzled expression crossed Sam's face. "Is everything okay?"

"More than okay."

"Well, don't keep me in suspense then. Spit it out."

Sam's eagerness was obvious. Dean and Alaine turned to each other briefly, a silent but mutual agreement passing between them. They'd rehearsed this moment in the car before arriving home. They knew no better way to ready Sam for the shock of their announcement and decided to just come right out with it.

"I, uh, I don't know if you wanna sit for this—"

"Dude! Just tell me," Sam urged impatiently.

"Alright! Don't get snappy." Catching the encouraging smile Alaine gave him, Dean wound his arm around her waist. He pulled her into his side, stroking softly at her hip, then cleared his throat as Sam waited with bated breath. "I don't know how to word this so I'm just gonna say it. Sammy, we're havin' twins."

He looked for a full instant into Dean's eyes with the confusion of a small child on his face. Then his gaze roved, bright hazel eyes opening wide like saucers. They dropped to the envelope in his hands, then snapped over to his older brother and his soon-to-be wife. His mouth opened and closed a couple of times and he flickered his gaze between the pair of smiling faces in front of him.

"Twins?" he echoed, finally finding his voice. "As in two babies?"

"I'm pretty sure that's what the word means," Dean teased.

A chortle bubbled into a laugh and Sam was quickly wrapping his long arms around both of them in a joyful embrace. With eyes glistening in excitement he congratulated Dean and Alaine. When it came time to look at the ultrasound photos, he struggled to keep himself from choking up. In his hands he held images of two tiny little bean-sized humans who shared his blood. It was impossible for him not to be overwhelmed with emotion. The news had been exciting the first time around, however nothing surpassed the happiness of knowing he was going to be an uncle to twins.

And as the days passed, the reality of being pregnant with two babies came far too swiftly for Alaine. As if it happened overnight, she watched herself inflate like a balloon as the twins made their presence known. She'd developed a more than noticeable baby bump that Dean couldn't keep from touching. He would spend most of his time between rubbing her belly and speaking softly to the two little bundles growing inside her. He'd made it a point to familiarize the babies with the sound of his voice and it warmed her heart to see how dedicated he was to loving them. On the days leading up to her second ultrasound appointment, Dean had busied himself with showering Alaine with every ounce of his affection. He'd even passed up going on a hunt with Sam just to be with her. As time progressed, his attention gradually shifted away from hunting as the well-being of his immediate family became his center focus. He quickly took on the role of doting husband and father, assimilating his newfound responsibilities.

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