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Time passed by in blur of activity and new experience and Alaine had to keep shaking off the feeling of unreality at the idea of being engaged. Dean had asked her to marry him, which was something she never imagined would happen. She hadn't believed it that night when he had proposed to her, post-coital. Hell, she could hardly believe it still, even after he had dedicated the remainder of their stay at the resort to showering her with every ounce of his affection. She'd even lost count of how many times they made love in front of the fireplace. Just like Dean, it was her favorite spot in the whole entire cabin. As for the rest of the place, they made sure to christen every possible surface they could find—from the kitchen island to the glass coffee table in the living area. When she thought about it, there was not one room inside the cabin where Dean hadn't made love to her in. They'd even done it in the jacuzzi tub in the bathroom, which to her surprise had turned out to be one of his recurring fantasies.

She didn't want their time together to end and dreaded the moment they would have to say goodbye to it all. Dean had done his best however to make every last minute count. They participated in curricular activities like group hiking and skiing and went on solo expeditions, further exploring the resort grounds. On one their many nature walks they stumbled upon an outdoor pavilion. It sat atop a small hill where there was a beautiful lakeside lawn. The spot was mainly reserved for weddings and receptions and Alaine gushed at the idea of having an outdoor ceremony. He'd listened to her intently as she went on to say how wonderful it would be to get married in a place like this. She made it sound like wishful thinking and Dean found himself asking her if that was something she really wanted.

"I don't know," had been her answer. They were walking through the pavilion with their hands intertwined. She'd stopped to turn to him, her bright amber eyes looking into his almost hopefully. "I've never really thought of it before."

"Maybe you should start."

"What about you? What would you want?"

A heartfelt smile creeped along his lips. Tenderly, he took her face into his hands. "I want whatever you want. All that matters is that you're happy, and that I get to call you my wife. I don't care about the details in between."

"But wouldn't you want it to be memorable?"

"Baby, whether we get married in a place like this or in some sketchy, rundown chapel I'll remember the moment for the rest of my life."

She ended up agreeing with his thinking; it didn't really matter where they chose to say their "I do's" as long as they were both happy. However she still wanted their wedding to be treated as a special occasion and Dean promised he'd do the best he could to make it just that.

On the final day of their romantic getaway she'd been dragged out of her sleep at the break of dawn by the smell of bergamot and mahogany—a scent that was pure Dean. The sun hadn't risen yet so when her lids fluttered open she was first met with darkness, then his face. He was hovering over her, the glow of the moon illuminating the outline of his jaw. His eyes had turned a brighter shade of green beneath the pale light and she blinked slowly up at him. She drank in his appearance. He was smiling, his lips curled every so softly at the corners as she stared at him in awe.

"You're beautiful," she whispered.

"I think that's my line."

She smoothed her fingers through his bed-tousled hair. "Looks like I beat you to it."

She felt the mattress shift slightly as he pulled back the covers to reveal her naked skin. She shivered as the cool morning air found her and Dean's breath fanned across her chest. His lips settled around her breast, pulled it into the warmth of his mouth and sucked at her hardening peak. He didn't stay there for long, paying only little attention to her nipple before he pulled away. She whimpered at the sudden loss.

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