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Drying her hands on an old dish towel, Jody stepped away from the kitchen sink. She reached into the fridge to pull out another beer and twisted off the cap as she sauntered into the living area where Dean was sound asleep. She took a long swig of the ale as she reached for the knitted wool blanket draped over the back of the loveseat. She covered Dean, being careful as to not wake him, and drew back to cast him a long, sympathizing look.

Even as he lay there, his large body sprawled sideways against the old couch cushions, Jody could still see the pain from earlier etched into the fine aging lines that covered his face. She hadn't been all that surprised when he'd broken down in her arms. As resilient as he was, the poor man had been through so much that it was only a matter of time before it all caught up with him. She couldn't stand to see him hurt this way. Just like a mother would, Jody wanted nothing more than to take his pain away. To stop his suffering. When she looked at him, she couldn't help the ache in her heart. She knew she wasn't his mother by blood, however when it came to moments like this, she truly wished he were her son. Jody knew there wasn't much she could do to ease Dean's heartache aside from offering him a place to stay and an ear to listen. She understood why he'd shown up at her home so suddenly. The bond she shared with the Winchester boys was one she valued above all others. They were the closest thing she had to family, just as she was the closest thing to a mother figure for them.

Sighing sadly, Jody switched off the T.V, casting the living room into darkness. Just then, a bright light leaked through the crack in the curtains, followed by the sound of tires crunching on gravel just outside the cabin. Stepping quietly around the couch, she stole a glance out the window. A familiar looking pickup truck sat right in her driveway. She frowned softly just as her phone vibrated against her thigh with an incoming message. When she checked, there was a text from Sam announcing his arrival. Setting her beer down on the coffee table, she gathered her sweater off the coat rack and stepped out onto her front porch just as the young hunter exited the vehicle.

"You sure got here fast."

Sam smiled at the older woman, drawing her in for a hug. "Sorry for the late night visit."

"Nonsense," she said, squeezing him tight. "You know you boys can drop by at any time." When she pulled back, she cast him a stern look. "So now that you're here, what's the reason for being so vague? Is it something I should be worried about?"

Sam's eyes drifted over to the truck, prompting Jody to follow his gaze. "It's better if you see for yourself."

"What? What are you—oh, my word!" Jody hands flew up to her mouth, muffling her gasp of surprise. She reared back on her heels for a moment, the shock rendering her breathless as the figure behind the wheel slipped out of the truck. She cast a wild look at Sam who merely nodded his confirmation as Alaine turned toward them. Instantly, tears sprang to Jody eyes and she dashed forward, meeting her halfway in an embrace that almost knocked them both off their feet.

"Please tell me this is real. This...how..."

Alaine caught the relief in Jody's eyes as the woman clung to her tightly. Her hands ran down her arms and touched at her cheeks, as if needing to make sure her eyes weren't playing any tricks on her.

"It's you...it's really you, isn't it?"

"It is," Alaine smiled softly.

A small, bewildered laugh spilled past Jody's lips. She wiped at her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater, glancing briefly over at Sam. She then took Alaine in once more, her gaze sweeping over her from head to toe. "This...I—I can't believe it. How's this possible? How are you even here?"

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