The Best Christmas! *UF Papyrus, Sans, & Reader*

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"Uh, boss?" Sans called out to his brother, sweat nervously rolling down his skull. His hands were trembling slightly at his side so he slid them into his pockets and started fidgeting with a candy cane that you had given him with your 'holiday spirit'.

Sans had nearly laughed in your face when you had explained the whole 'Christmas' ordeal. Sounded like a load of shit to him.

But here he was, about to get his brother in on it. Or maybe he was just going to die a horrible death, never seeing your doll face or anything ever again.

He gulped back the fear though, because this was important to you, right?

And you were important to him. Not just him, but his brother. So, there was a slight- very very slight- chance, that the boss would not be angry.

As long as Sans got the chance to explain, he'd be fine.


heh, yea right. Sans knew he was going to die.

Papyrus slammed his door open, not failing to notice the way that Sans jumped from the sound and movement.

He cackled, then narrowed his eye sockets as he remembered that he had been bothered by the good for nothing.

"WHAT DID YOU WANT?" Papyrus demanded, tapping his heeled boot against the wood of the floor. A habit he had developed over the years as his patience all but disappeared from existence.

Sans sweat went from rolling down his skull to pouring out of him like a faucet.

"Well, Uh, the human wanted us to, Uh, heh, join them for a holiday that humans, um, celebrate." Sans began to second guess the amount of information he had on the topic.

Obviously, he did not have enough to try and convince his overwhelming (and frightening) brother that it would be good.

In fact, the only reason Sans had agreed was because he had a soft spot for you. But was that soft spot a spot that his brother would find and destroy, or agree with?

"FINE." Boss stomped walked down the stairs, in search of his favorite human.

Sans, on the other hand, stood at the top of the stairs, blinking owlishly at the spot his brother had just been in.

Had it really been that easy?

When had it ever been that easy?

"SANS! GET YOUR LAZY BONES DOWN HERE, NOW" Papyrus ordered, from the kitchen.

Sans blipped into existence right outside the kitchen door, looking in slightly. Just in case.

All he was met with was the counter full of different types of food. All covered with wrapping, probably meant to be actually eaten later. It made his mouth water.

Had you really done all this while he was working up the nerve to ask his brother to come join you?

His eye lights found your form (only glancing at your bum for a few seconds) and his brothers gathered together around something on the counter that he couldn't see.

Christmas Stuff Fluff *Undertale & AU*Where stories live. Discover now