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*couple days later, trap house is having a huge party, everyone's pretty drunk except Sam*

Sam's POV

I rolled my eyes as Jake pulled me up the stairs. "Jake what is going on?" I asked.

He just shushed me and pulled me into his room locking the door behind.

He pressed me up against the wall and smashed his lips against mine.

I scrunched my nose and put hands up to Jake's chest. "Jake your drunk." I mumbled into his lips.

The liquor smell burned in my nose and I grabbed onto his neck and pushed him down onto his bed.

I hissed and hated my teeth. "Jake stop it your drunk!" I growled, "I get that you want to party but don't bring me into this, got it? Just because you're horny doesn't mean I'm your little slut!" I yelled.

Suddenly Jake caught me off guard and pushed me off. "Yo dude, chill the fuck out, what is your problem?!" He yelled back.

I rolled my eyes and walked out. I slammed the door behind me and walked back downstairs.

"Sammy!!!!" Colby yelled and jumped over to me, "ugh you also smell like alcohol," I groaned slightly pushing him away, "sooooo??" He pouted, I sighed and walked away.

Then I froze. "Oh no," I mumbled and held my head. "Sam? What's wrong?" Colby asked. He came up behind me and hugged me.

I leaned my head into his neck and started shaking. I had learned to not have blood as much but I hadn't had blood in a five or so days and the sudden hit was unexpected.

"C-Colby..there's b-blood.." I whimpered, "when was the last time you had it..?" He whispered, "about a w-week..." Colby tensed, "feed off me, no one will be able to tell it's you and it's to crazy no one will even see."

I nodded and parted my lips. Slowly my eyes closed and I just bit down. I moaned out in satisfaction and relaxed.

Colby leaned back against the wall and let me.

Suddenly there was hollering and yelling and what sounded like cheering. I pulled my teeth out but Colby kept one hand on my head.

"Colby what are you-?" "Sh. Don't. Say. Anything." I nodded and let him hold me.

"Hell yeah Colby!" "Right in front of everyone okay hot stuff!!" "Daaaaamn!" "Ooooooooo!"

I rolled my eyes internally and leaned more in to him. "Guys back off," I said.

Yep pulled me into him more and slightly picked me. "C-Colby!" I squeaked. I felt him bring me into a quieter area. The door locked and I could feel that the noise was coming from outside.

I backed away, "thanks but why?" I asked, "you really wanted people to think you were kissing up on me?" I nodded my head, "I guess your right." I sighed, put the seat down on the toilet, and sat down.

"How are we gonna go back out there?" I asked, he frowned and then his eyes lit up.

I had never noticed Colby in this way: his eyes lit up and this spark came. The deepening blue became electric and the way his lips curved up into a happier line, his nose got all scrunched up and oh my god was that cute.

"Well your a vampire, speed out and no one will see you, right? I'll walk out after I think you're safe and pretend I don't know what their talking about." He said proudly.

With that he put he hand on the door handle, "wait wait wait! Let me get ready!" I said quickly standing up. He nodded and paused for me.

I got into my stance and as soon as he opened the door wide enough for me to get I ran. I sprinted and winded through people.

I ran up the stairs and to the small balcony within the house. A few seconds later Colby came out and the clamor started.

I rolled my eyes and walked away, I trusted Colby but I didn't need to listen to it.

tHe NeXt DaY

Colby's POV

I woke up easily which was rare nowadays but I definitely welcomed it.

I yawned softly and leaned back into the bed I was in. I frowned at first when I didn't realize where I was.

I jolted up and looked around the room, I relaxed when I found out it was Sam's.

I looked to my right to see Sam smirking at me, "relax, I brought you to sleep here because there was a couple people knocked out in your room." I nodded and got up, "well I'm gonna go kicked him out." I told him before walking out.

He gave a thumbs up to me as a sign of acknowledgement and turned back to his computer.

I got the people out and decided to start cleaning up the house. "Well well well, look at my big boy cleaning up by himself."

I didn't even look up, "hi daddy," I smirked and continued to clean. Silence came from the other end and I knew I had either severely turned him on or confused him out of his mind. Maybe even both.

I looked up and almost laughed.

His eyes were wide but dimming between the beautiful sky blue and pitch black. His lips were slightly parted and his tongue was pushing against the back of his teeth as we tried to think of words. His lips looked soft and inviting. He checks had turned soft rose color.

"What's wrong? Getting harder to control yourself?...daddy?" I whispered the last part just loud enough for him to hear.

Suddenly I was pushed up against the wall.

Sam's hand was holding my throat just enough to not me make me move but not enough for me to be truly choking. "Holy shit Sam-" he pressed against my neck just barely and hissed.

His teeth came out and there was no pupils in his eyes. They were completely black. "Don't tempt me right now Colby, you'll regret it." I gulped and nodded, "whats wrong?" I asked softly.

He sighed and let go once he understood that I wouldn't try anything.

His face and body calmed down and he shrugged. "I don't know, it's like my whole body is burning..but it feels nice? In a way, I'm not sure. It's like even the slightest touch that I'm unaware of can make me go crazy and I'm alert and on edge but it doesn't help."

I burst out laughing, I held on to my stomach from the laughter and suddenly I was having déjà vu. Sam was holding my neck and he was baring his teeth at me.

"What the hell is so funny," he growled, I rolled my eyes no longer scared, "your in heat dummy," I gently pushed him off, "what?" He asked, I smiled, "your in heat Sam, and I know how to help..." I whispered, "that is...if you'll let me.." I whispered into his ear.

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