Chapter Two: The World Outside

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Noli gotten up and looked out the tent. She pushed some of her hair back and looked at Joey. His sleeping face made him look so vulnerable. She laid down on her side and looked at him. Something about Joey was familiar to her. She laid I hand on his cheek gently. She moved her body against Joey's and laid there.

Noli: I won't ever leave you Joey...I promise....

Noli listened to Joey's heartbeat. She smiled.

Noli: I heartbeat so pure and innocent that it makes people cry...someone I once knew had the exact same heartbeat as you...I just don't remember who it was....

Noli slowly closed her eyes and laid against Joey's chest.. Joey smiled. He was pretending to be asleep and get heard what Noli said.

Joey: I won't ever leave you as well Noli!

Noli gasps and looked up at Joey.

Noli: You heard that?!

Joey: Yeah!

Noli blushed.

Joey: Let's get up now! We have to find someone to help us don't we?

Noli nodded. They got up and walked through the forest.

Joey: This forest is beautiful!

Pinkamena: It is isn't it?

Noli and Joey stopped in their tracks.

Joey: Show yourself!!!!

A girl with dark skinned, dark pink eyes, dark pink clothes, dark pink short hair that goes down to her neck, and dark pink shoes walked out of the shadows holding a knife that looked like it had blood on it. She stood in front of them smirking.

Joey: Who the hell are you?!

Pinkamena: My name is Isn't important! What is that from my understanding you and Noli are looking for someone!

Noli and Joey were stunned.

Joey: How do you know Noli's name!?

Pinkamena: I know your name also Joey. For how I know it doesn't matter....follow me and I'll give you the answers your looking for!

Pinkamena walked into the forest. Joey and Noli stayed back.

Joey: I don't trust you!!

Pinkamena stopped and narrowed her eyes. She turned to them, glaring at him. Joey glared back. Noli felt nervous.

Pinkamena: only just met me....but I promise I won't do anything to you...

Pinkamena looked away from them. Noli pulled Joey to her height.

Noli: Joey...I think we should follow her....she's the only lead we got!

Noli whispers to him.

Joey sighs.

Joey: Fine....

Joey whispers back to her, reluctantly. He stood back up and looked at Pinkamena.

Joey: We'll come...but I still don't trust you!

They followed Pinkamena the forest. Noli tightly held on to Joey's arm.

Joey: Soo...What is this place....

Pinkamena: It's a world where people from a different world came from because their world got destroyed by Discord!

Noli: Discord?

Pinkamena: The Spirit of Chaos! It is said that he was the one who created this world just for the soul purpose of raising Villains but! When he destroyed the original My little Pony world the ponies there came here....the main six had said to of defeated him only....There are rumors....

Noli: Rumors?

Pinkamena: Some of the townsfolk still live here have seen signs of Discord such as pink cotton candy clouds that pour chocolate milk instead of rain! There's house that are upside down or just plain weird things! If I were you I'll be careful around the Dragon Lands! It's a Rocky Mountain range and on the highest mountain there's a castle where the most greatest and dangerous Villain lives! Along side, Queen Chrysalis, Prince Sombra, Nightmare Moon and the most fearful of all....Lord Tirek!

Noli was shaking while Joey looked unfazed.

Joey: Wow...they sound so scary!

Joey said, sarcastically.

Pinkamena smirked.

Pinkamena: You say that now but little do you know....the most dangerous Villains come to you as a surprise!

Joey scoffed.

Joey: Yeah like you! I may not trust you but you are nowhere o Villain! Your to girlish! You look like a girl who...makes cupcakes!

Pinkamena: Well...your not wrong...your find my cupcakes are quite delicious!

They began to walk again. Pinkamena eyes glowed a dark pink as she smirked.

Pinkamena: Such a Naïve boy! How come he be possibly be the stuff of Prophecies! And sees I scared her half to death with the story! Their no match for me!

They got to a cliff that looking over a Town.

Pinkamena: Welcome to Ponyville!

Joey: Wow! This place looks amazing!!!

Noli stiffs the air.

Noli: If smells nice too!!

Joey looked over to Pinkamena.

Joey: Hey how do we- huh?

Pinkamena has disappeared.

Joey: That's odd....

A howling came from the wind.

Noli: Let's go before someone else creep comes along!!!

They ran down the cliff.

Pinkamena watched them from a tree in the shadows. She smirked evilly.

My Little Pony Human Anime: Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang