Chapter One: Two Strangers

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It was a beautiful day in the anime world of my little pony when a gateway opened dropping two strangers to the world. A girl with long silky black hair wearing a leather shirt with leather shorts and leather shoes dropped on a boy with silver skin, silver clothing, silver eyes, silver eyes, and silver shoes.

Noli: Ow! What happened...

She looked around. The trees were super green and the grass was too.

Noli: I'm in a forest.

She then realized she was on a boy and fall off him quickly. The boy groaned and sat up holding his forehead. The girl stared at him. The boy looked at her and stared also.

Joey: Who are you?

Noli: I'm Noli! Who are you?

Joey: ... Joey ... say Noli ... do you know where we are?

Noli: Not in the slightest ... Where do you hail from Joey?

Joey tilted his head.

Noli: Oh! Sorry! I read a lot of old fashioned books like Romeo and Juliet so I talk like them sometimes!

Noli suddenly looked confused.

Joey: What's the matter Noli?

Noli: I remember reading that book but I don't remember where I came from...

Joey: Honestly me either ... I don't even where what happened....all I saw was black than I ended up on the grass!

Noli: Me too that's all I remember! Hmmm ... maybe there's someone around here that we could ask ...

Joey got up and turned his back to Noli.

Joey: Come find me if you find someone!

Noli: Wait! Where are you going?!? You can't go by yourself! You don't know what's out there!

Joey: Don't worry I'll be fine! Besides people do better surviving on their own! See ya!

Joey started to walk away.

Noli: Joey wait! I can't be alone I'm only 12!!!

Noli tried to call out to Joey but he was already gone. Noli was stuck in a world she didn't know by herself. She rubbed her arms.

Noli: It's ok Noli ...

She suddenly heard something move in the bushes and she gasps.

Noli: Who's there?!?

She squeaked. She was shaking out of fear. A bear came out of the bushes and ran towards her.

Noli: JOEY!!!

Her screaming echoed through the trees. Joey who was a few miles away heard it and went running.

Noli was pushed against a rock by the bear. It looked hungry.

Joey: Leave her alone!!!

Joey jumped from the bushes and leaned on his feet. The bear growled and went after Joey. Joey grabbed a tree branch and started swing out the bear. Noli stay where she was frightened. Joey tripped and fell on his back. The bear was about to attack him.


Noli touched the ground with her hands two vines came up. The bear ran away. The vines went back into the ground. Noli fainted.

Joey: Noli!!!

Joey rushed to her side and held her in his arms.

Joey: Thank god you have a pulse! I shouldn't have left you like that! Why am I so stupid! I need to protect you if we're are gonna survive here! You're too young to be on your own! And so am I....

Joey made camp for them. A campfire, a tent he made from tree branches and leaves, and two homemade sleeping bags. He put a leaf cover of Noli's body so she wasn't getting cold. Joey lit the fire as it became night. He sat close to it. Noli opened her eyes and looked over to Joey. Joey looked at her.

Joey: You're awake...

Noli stood up and walked over to him. She kept the cover over her shoulders and sat down beside Joey.

Noli: Thanks for saving me...I really appreciate it...

Joey: You shouldn't be thanking me for anything...I was foolish to leave you there on your own.....

Noli put laid her head on Joey's arm. She stayed there.

Noli: I'm hungry Joey...

She whined a little.

Joey: I know I am too...

Joey puts an arm around Noli's shoulder and pulls her closer to him.

Joey: Stay close to me ok? I need to keep you safe...

A cold wind blew against them and Noli shiver but Joey made her feel warm. Noli trusted him even though she just met him. A dark pink figure watched them from the treetops, smirking.

Pinkamena: Very soon you two...very soon...

She then disappears.

My Little Pony Human Anime: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now