Start from the beginning

“how so?”

“because they told me she disappear on the sea with a ship wreck a year ago”

“oh dear sister theres always incident like this happened on the sea and there are sometime a person have a look a like” I dropped the paper back to the table.

“hey, its the same time  when you brought scar here”

I crossed my legs “sister who are this people you talked to”

“her brothers”



“hmmmm, as far as I remember, scar doesn’t have a company or brothers on the ship I wreck a year ago, so this must be a mistake, and look at this there are no way a noble woman in a high class could use sword as scar and you could see the scar she had on her back, no woman no I think she is a princess because of the crest background and a parent wont hurt their own child and they wont tolerate any of their family to be hurt.”

“there!” lora shouted


“you just said it?”

“what did I say?”

“maybe they hurt her that’s why she run away?”

“oh sister your becoming more obsessed about scar right now, you mistook her from this women on the portrait this conversation ends now, theres much more work to do” I stand abruptly and began to walk to the door and out of that room. I can hear loras frustrated groan inside the study room.

I marched out of the housed and do the things I need to be done; we need to be go back at the sea after one more week in here. ill think about it later and finish all the preparation before boarding the Poseidon.

End of flash back

Thinking about it again after im done with all the paper work and doing the repair that Poseidon needs. I went back to retrieve the portrait which I am thankful that lora decided to just let it on the table.

I looked again at the wall where I put the portrait. This woman who looked like scar is really beautiful and so young.

Hmmmm I haven’t ask how old does scar is. She looked mature already but not in the height area. I chuckled lightly because olaf always tease scar about it but scar always put him in his place for doing what he did so all the crew know not to mess with scar about height.

Hmm I think the wine is taking its effect im better sleep it of for now and lets just talked about it to scar by tomorrow.


Ughhhh this throbbing headache is killing me. I swipe my face using my right hand and yawned. Better take the remedy scar taught to me.

A few minutes later the headaches is much more tolerable than earlier. I then think what will I gonna do today again. oh yeah I need to talk to scar right now and confront her about this issue.

Walking out bed a little too fast I think due to the dizzy feeling hit me. then proceed to walk out of my room and went directly to scars room. My habit is always opened the door not knocking because I want to always see the startled and pissed look scar made each time I barge at her room. But when I barged to her room she was nowhere to be found. I could see the neatly folded blanket on her bed, some of her belonging are scattered near the corner of the window, weapon of sort and other hunting equipment.

life as escaped princessWhere stories live. Discover now