Chapter 9: The Fight of the Dragons pt.1

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We were sleeping on a cliff of which I woke up first. I was filled with joy ans ecstasy when I saw her beautiful body curled up next to mine. I was then filled with hat for myself for accusing her of what I had done.

"It's thanks to me e had these problems, I should of not cheated at that game and none of this would of happened. Then you would have a better life, you wouldn't have flew away that day were Pyro got to you."

"Apology accepted."


Without my know how she was awake and thew me to my back and mounting herself over my body. Servil looked into my hazel eye with my dragon eye with her pure purple shinning eyes, it was almost like I was in a trance.

"It's nice to know you feel that way so tell me Dylan why did you craft a glider with Grizmo?"

"I wanted to see you again so I thought if I could fly you would be impressed enough to want to see me."

"So you have a little crush on me, so you tried to fly to impress me?"

"That's not what my entire pla...MMM!"

Before I could finish my sentence she had her lips hug mine, they tasted of honey after I got over the shock.

"Don't talk Dylan you'll just make it worse."

Resuming the kiss I wrapped my arms around her face as she wrapped her's around my head. Her body was warm while my body as hot, it was to the moment we're I was sweating of fear. Though she was shocked when she noticed that my solder was standing at attention.

"Happy are we?"


"Listen we have to go but after I promise we will resume this moment."

"I'll hold you up to that."

Disappointed that we could not create the beast with two backs but we had a job and that's what we were going to do. Though we head back to Grizmo's first to gear up. Both of us gained armor ready to stand up to a dragon but I had a sword strong enough to take one down. I had mounted on Servil's back which now contained the saddle that used to belong to Grizmo.

"Take care of that armor you two."

"We will Grizmo."

"Now get out there and save the town and the world from another war."


We flew off to the town early warning the people there to leave for a dragon fight was about to come at dawn, so of which the town turned more silent than a ghost. A storm came in with bolts of lightning scratching the sky and screaming with a voice louder than the roar of a cannon. Out of the distance Pyro flies in with a man riding on his back. They landed a few meters ahead of us each drop of rain making the ground of mud and hitting our armor making it shine brighter.

"Captain why would you turn to his side he wants the genocide of our race?"

"Dylan you aren't seeing the picture all the people bowing to me and him it is a beautiful sight of the divine creator."

"Servil I see you choose the Mortal when we had such a intimate moment some time ago."

"Pyro you are evil and you will die."

"No it is you who will perish!"

With saying this Servil and Pyro flew to the sky while myself and the captain started to clash our steel against each other. Fire is being thrown across the island while me and the Captain make sparks fly with the clash of our swords.

"Dylan your good but not good enough for me!"

Like a sudden burst of energy he started flailing the sword to fast for me to block so I was strike so hard my helmet flew off and I fell to the ground And so did Servil in which she flew to the mountain making debris fly at me and the Captain so we started to run trying to move away from the rock smashing to the ground of which we are standing. While we are running we seize the chance to swing at each other but we had blocked each hit. 

"Captain why would you join him he will kill you afterwards!"

"He sees the future he knows the truth while you will be dead before you see it along with your pet dragon."

"You will never!"

Suddenly out of no where a orange aura surrounded me making myself gain energy so with an adrenaline rush I started to strike him with the strength of ten men. Making the captain start to lose ground for he could not take the full hit.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"That magic that surrounded you it was like witch craft."

"Look at my eye Captain I'm part of the beasts you serve so time to die."

"Looks like I know were to hit now!"

With myself and the Captain clashing our blades Servil and Pyro were clashing with their claws and their tails of which they used like swords.

"Servil why must you join the mortal that you wished to kill?"

"He isn't as bad as I thought he is something more than just a mortal."

"Ah so you have feelings for him wouldn't it be a shame if I killed him."

"you don't touch him you bastard!"

With a burst of anger Servil catches Pyro's tail and throws him to the ground in which he responds by blowing a fierce heat at Servil making her fly to a mountain which made the debris fly to the Captain and myself. 

"Servil you know the only one who could beat me was Myrdayrth and guess what he's 8 feet under now."

"You have no right to speak his name!"

Servil started to clash with Pyro's tail and her's each hit a bolt of lightning cut through the sky. 

"What gives you the right to destroy my power in this village Dylan!?"

"What gives you the right to sacrifice people to dragons what is wrong with you?"

"Your type are the ones who will lead our race to demise!"

"From what I see you are the one who bring the race down!"

At which the battle was raging both myself and Servil were pushed to the ground together while Pyro and the Captain stand proud.

"See you two are weak  and so you will die."

"Servil we need to fight together if we are ever going to win."

"Then hop on and hold tight!"

I jump onto Servil and we take to the skies aiming to get to the clouds. Then Pyro followed leaving the captain behind. 

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