Chapter 4: Help from a Wing man

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"Servil is the best flyer of the dragons."

"Uh so how does this help me?"

"Well like I said one of the challenges is to see who can fly the most highest."

"Wait that for mating I never said I wanted to date her I said I wanted her trust."

"Yeah so you can date her right?"

"No so she can be my friend."

"What is this thing called friends? Sorry i'm not knowledge in mortal things."

"Friends are like allies who always can be trusted and are treated like family."

"Interesting this thing of friends can anyone gain it?"

"Yes but you must work for it like you and me can be friends."

"Hmm so it's like having allies, and having a mortal as help for others hmm yes let us be friends."

"Alright so do you know were Servil is Myrdayrth?"

"She usually goes to a certain island to observe the see from a cliff. it's quite beautiful."

"Alright take me there."

"Hold on there speedy we don't have a plan so here's whats going to happen. You need to do something that will impress her so we need to cut out flying since your a mortal."

"Yeah I guess that makes sense."

"Wait, that's it we need to make you fly to show her that you like how dragons fly. so what we are going to do is make you fly."

"But listen come closer I need to tell you it secretly."

"What is it?"


"Oh right hmm oh I know we will craft you wings to glide with."

"how do you craft wings?"

"Don't worry I have someone that owes me a favor."

"Well lets go to them."

"Yeah but you can't fly."

"So let me ride you."

"Umm sorry my ear must have been cut to because I think what I heard from you was crazy."

"Let me ride you you can trust me we're friends remember."

"So if we're friends if I need something you will help me."

"Yeah that's what friends do."

"OK I guess get on."

Myrdayrth started to transform into his dragon state for which I hopped on his back and he started to fly off. Myrdayrth kept looking behind himself so I asked him why.

"Why do you keep looking behind you I'm doing fine."

"That dragon that attacked me his name is Pyro he wants war with your kind and I refused his request so he want's to kill me so he can gain more support."

"Why does he want war with us?"

"He believes that your kind is weak and should serve us like the gods."

We kept on with the flying and we arrived at a island of which had ruins covering it and so we landed in the woods to not be seen. As we landed in the woods Myrdayrth turned into his human state.

"OK were is this friend of yours?"

"Oh yes she is like a friend from how your people describe it. He likes to build things here like armor for our selves. Careful though i don't know how he feels about mortals."

We entered a room in the castle ruins that has not been destroyed yet. In the room was a snake like dragon that was yellow and it looked old for it wore a great white beard. 

"Hello Grizum it's me Myrdayrth and I brought a guest."

Grizum turns around and looks at me and to my surprise he looked pretty calm.

"Yes I see you have a Human with you interesting."

"So your OK with him being here?"

"Myrdayrth I'm over 10,000 years old, if you brought me the divine creator himself i would rather be sleeping."

"So what do you need of?"

"We need to make this mortal Dylan here fly."

"*cough, cough* sorry I thought you just said make a mortal fly."

"I did, listen Grizum I know it sounds crazy but this mortal is my friend and I must help him."

"What is a friend?"

"A friend is like and ally that always has you side and um oh cares for you like kin."

"Hmm this is new to me but I like it, What your asking though is crazy and impossible."

"Nothing impossible!" Says Dylan.

"Mortal come here let me speak to you face to face, tell me how do you know what possible and whats not?"

"Isn't that what faith is for?"

"Hmph faith i haven't heard of that in a long time, tell me mortal why do you want to fly?"

"I want to-"

Before I could reveal the truth Myrdayrth bumped me to signal not to speak of the truth.

"I want to be like you."

"Hmm well I can't give you wings but I can construct something of a glider."

"Thank you Grizum."

"Before you to leave I want to speak to the mortal alone."

With Myrdayrth leaving me with Grizum alone. So with fear on my shoulders I came over to the old dragon.

"I not to naive to not know that you told me a lie but that isn't what I wanted to talk about. This so called friend thing you mortals talk of am I of this to you?"

"I mean i just met you but sure I will be your friend."

"so what do these friends do for each other?"

"Well I help you, you help me that's how it works."

"Well friend you glider will be ready in two days time. So have Myrdayrth help you on knowing how to glide. Also careful out there friend Myrdayrth and I are nice while the others might not show this type of generosity."

"Thanks for the warning."

I left the room while Grizum went back to work and climbed on Myrdayrth. He flew off heading back to our island. Though this time Myrdayrth looked at the clouds floating in the sky and leaned his head back to have words with me.

"Get down now!"

Myrdayrth then started to dive with a speed that made the sound of a whistle. I looked behind me to try to see what we were running from. Showing behind us was Pyro.

"Go faster Myrdayrth he gaining!"

"Myrdayrth you will die along with that Mortal!"

After he said this he blew a fire projectile from his mouth trying to hit Myrdayrth.

"Dylan!, Brace yourself debris will be flying from his fire balls!"

"No need to tell me twice i'm already hanging on for dear life!"

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