Chapter 7: Death is only a stepping point

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After the death of Myrdayrth Grizmo and Dylan buried him in the ruins even making him his own tombstone. I didn't leave his grave for a grave time. The grief of not being there to protect him hurt my Soul for he played the part of a true friend and yet I had given him nothing but more problems. Though flying through the sky Servil started to come straight towards me with murderous intent in her eyes but then turn to confusion for I did bot move or showed fear.

"Hello Dylan looks like we meet again and looks like I came here to kill you so get ready."

I did not move, I did not even get up from my knees that were stained with mud from the ground. She turned back to her human-like form.

"Hello Dylan aren't you going to run Dylan or have you been stricken with so much fear you paralyzed."

"Tell me what did you feel when you killed him?"

"Killed who the only one I want to do that to is you."

"Myrdayrth is dead."

"Oh uh."

"So tell me how did it feel."

"Dylan I didn't do the Pyro did I just helped him to get to you."

"No you still did it, for the fact you couldn't just listen to us is you fault, the fact that you joined up with Pyro is your fault, the fact that you knew full well that Pyro wanted him dead is your fault that he IS DEAD!"

"Dylan it's your fault you threw Pyro into my home therefore destroying it."

"HOME your mad about your HOME, Homes can be rebuilt but people can not ."

"Dylan was so angry I-"

Filled with anger I got up and walked with dominance both fist curled up with anger moving through them, making Servil start to step back with surprised look seeing that not even a little of fear was going through my veins.

"So what if you angry!, you think we allow murders to get away with that?, NO we don't it's their fault they choose to kill and just like it's just like it's you fault that Myrdayrth is dead!....Just like it is mine, and now I lost my only friend that had my back all the way!"

"Dylan I didn't realize I'm sor-"

"your what, sorry, that doesn't fix Myrdayrth I'm all out of forgiveness so next time we meet we will be enemies, you want to see a hunter I'll show you one and tell Pyro I'm coming for him too."

"Killing isn't going to solve anything."

"Did you think Pyro learned that lesson after killing him?"

"I came to land to escape problems and create a new life, filled with peace but I learned that chaos likes to follow me and so I guess I'm going to use that."

"I'm sorry for what it is worth."

With saying that Servil flew off and I didn't even watch or say anything else. Then Grizmo came out and came to say words.

"What are you going to do friend?"

"I'm going after Pyro, I'm going to need all the help I can get."

"Myrdayrth was my friend so I will help you with what you need."

"I need armor and a weapon suited to kill a dragon."

"Well you will need more than that Dylan come with me I will show you."

We walked back into the ruins and Grizmo hands me a book with the symbol of a dragon.

"What is this?"

"Has Myrdayrth told you about dragon magic?"

"He mentioned it but he said only dragons can do it."

"Well we can cheat that."

"What are you talking about?"

"We can give you something that will make you part dragon so you can use our magic."

"Well how do we do that?"

"Were going to scoop out one of your eyes and replace it with a dragons eye."

"What the fuck, NO!"

"Do you want to defeat Pyro?!"

"Well yes but-"

"Then we need to take that eye out, come on friend do it for Myrdayrth."

"Alright well how am I going to get a dragon eye?"

"I already have one."

"You are really sick man!"

"Don't worry this dragon was blind but putting it in your eye it will regain sight and you will gain the magic of a dragon."

"This is the most crazy thing ever, but if it is the only way than I will."

"Well than get on the table it is almost my nap time!"

I laid on the table as he went and grabbed a eye who iris was blank.

"Wait maybe we coul-"

Before I could finish Grizmo knocked me out.

"Shut up no back-seas."

Everything was black but I had awoke with the feeling of Grizmo poking me with a stick.

"Come on little one, I wonder if he is dead."

"Don't worry-"

"AH zombie!"

Grizmo then smacked me making me fall of the table.

"OW what the hell!"

"Oh your not a zombie phew, well get off the floor and let me see the eye!"

I had gotten up and stared at Grizmo showing that my left eye was now and orange dragon eye.

"Ah the eye of spirit that's a good one."

"well what does it do?"

"well read the book it's time for my nap time."

"Wait hold on...hhhhhuh  fine I will read the book."

I started to read and the book immediately the book was telling me of the power that my eye contained. I could not be mind controlled, illusions could not be seen by my eye's so they were useless and I would always get a burst of adrenaline when battle came my way.

"Man this doesn't help me much but I guess I can start to learn my magic."

So further on the night I studied my magic all night and helped Grizmo make new armor and weapons that were mad from the falling stars of the sky from which dragons use during the great was of which humans and Dragons fault until we came with a treaty that ended the war with us living with each other in peace. Though Pyro and the captain were readying themselves to attack the village so they could destroy myself.

The Human of Dragons.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ