Chapter 1: New world

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My name is Dylan I am 18 and I used to be a business man trying to start his first own trade company but do to lack of funds and forgetting that some things are illegal to trade. So i'm trying to escape the law and start a new life in the new world. Right now i'm heading to a town called Pyvreol, this place was named after a dragon that used to roam with man but soon tension grew and he died by hunters.

"land ho!"

"oh great, time to start a new!"

Now all I need to do is fine a place to stay. Bad thing about that is that most of the people on this boat knows of who I am. So what I need to do is fine my own house. So i started to walk into the woods and found a nice spot for me to set up a camp. 

"Alright so I need to start trying to find a way to make money. hmm.... Oh i'll just get a job at the mine they usually hire anyone."

I headed to the mine but sadly working down their I wasn't making much money for the fact that the mine was starting to dry up but luckily I did make some friends.

"So yeah Henry I need to make money fast if I'm going to live a happy life and this place doesn't pay good enough."

"Well Dylan if you want money what you need to do is go gamble at the bar."

"How is winning a few coins going to help me?"

"The captain of the guards is coming tomorrow and from what I hear he loves to play poker especially with a lot of money."

"That sounds like a great opportunity but the bad thing is i'm bad at poker when playing normal."

"What do you mean normal?"

"well you see ever since i was a young lad I had a knack at being able to cheat at any game I play."

"Well then you need to be a good liar if your going to cheat."

"Well how else are you going to cheat, lying is basically needed if you cheat."

"You better be careful if you cheat your liable to be imprison or worse."

"what is worse than prison?"

"Well the reason some say that we don't have problems here is that there is a dragon protecting this place and how we keep it from attacking us is by offering it food like animals and sometimes people if the captain says so."

"Dragons please, dragons don't exist any more they've left these lands long time ago."

"I don't know Dylan they could still be here you know they are territorial."

"please if a dragons is on this land I will ask it to take my hand in wedlock pssh, dragons still think their tougher than humans they are brain dead egotistical lizards who's breath needs of a mint."

"Alright calm down man of the rant, just be careful the captain has an eye for people who seem to like to cheat him of his money."

"Don't worry if lady luck was alive she would be my wife for the moments of escaping moments of death."

So I went out and gather what little I had of money and slept on the dirt ground for the captain to come here so I can get rich off his money. The next day the Captain was busy dealing with many military problems and stuff like that but by the end of the day he went to the bar and so I made my move there. 

"A lets keep the drinks flowing!"

The whole bar was in a uproar with music playing and guys seeing a song of sailing. But the captain was already at a table keeping his reputation to truth playing poker with a couple other nobles. 

"Hello there may I join this table?"

"Oh please with you I don't think you have the money for this group."

"Well how much is it?"

"It's one-hundred coins but it's not like you ca-"

"Done so lets play."

With myself slamming a sack of gold on the table surprising the nobles but they pulled up a seat and we began to play. By an hour or two later i was swimming in winnings but the Captain was not pleased.

"Full house gentlemen now give up those coins."

"Dammit this man is good!"

"So tell me what is your name" says the Captain

"My name is Dylan thank you for the nice game."

"Well Dylan you see here I see that there is more than four aces in this deck which means you sir have been cheating this whole time!"

"How dare you make such an accusation sir I have no-"

the nobles grabbed my sleeve feeling another deck of cards.



With this Dylan grabs his stash and starts to run but the captain and the other bar people stopped Dylan taking him to the middle of the town yodeling "Thief thief thief!"

"Alright cap what should we do with him?"

"Lets hang the bugger!"


They dragged me to the lenching station and started to tie the rope but a great roar from the woods shaking the houses and silencing the people. 

"Captain I have a better idea what to do with him lets feed him to the beast!"

"That sounds better to me you were eaten by your own greed well guess what your going to be eaten by the beast that eats man in one bite hahaha!

With this they dragged me to the woods each one screaming "BEAST!" aloud and I'm praying that he beast makes it fast. They through me in to a cave and blocked the entrance only tiny beams of light coming out lighting the room barley. Trying to keep silent I can hear the beast breathing. So I try to push the boulder in front of the door but nothing could be moved so I went to my knees and began a prayer.

"Dead divine creator what ever I had done to anger you please get me out of this and I will ummmm i'll come up with that part later so please save me."

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