Chapter 6: Costly Alliance

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The storms of the night were harsh after the battle. and I couldn't carry Myrdayrth to the island with Grizmo. The only option I had was to ask the village for help. So I carried him to the village and getting eyes of shock and disappointment coming from the people but they also gave concern.

"Help me anyone he's hurt I can't stop the bleeding!"

No one would step up to help everyone was more surprised that I was alive and carrying the dragon looking for help.

"Ah Dylan nice of you to come back I'm surprised that you even survived."

"Captain please help me he is dying."

"Help a dragon this beast has made us live in fear, what we need to do is kill it right people."

"Don't you touch him with that saber."

Everyone was surprised that anyone would defy the captain.

"You have turn to the dragon's side people!, this man cares more for the beast than his own kind."

With everyone joining his side they we're starting to come close with hostility.

"NO, they are not beast he is my friend why must you hate them, we came to their land and took it not the other way around. I don't stand for Man or dragon I stand for what's right and so should you Captain!"

"HAHAHA they took our land all these beast do is kill and destroy, come on lads lets hang this traitor and kill the beast!"

Only the Captain and his men grabbed myself and Myrdayrth and put us on the noose stand. 

"Any last words traitor?"

"People think what you teaching you kids do you really want them to learn that you can take what you want when you want. Think to your selves telling the Dragons, how dare you be on our land before we were, is this really what you want us to learn?"

The people with the fear going through their veins but understatement going through their head they didn't know what to do. 

"I'm sorry Myrdayrth I thought I could just be friends with you guys and not bring my problems to the new world but I guess you can't run from your problems."

"Don't worry Dylan I think I learned what friends are now."


"Dylan you taught me to be friends with the kind that hates me but it doesn't matter I'm glad I could serve with you."

"Good day to you Myrdayrth it was fun being your friend."

"My people of  Pyvreol this person has cheated you all and even betrayed his own kind and sided with the beast that haunts this world so we will put him to death for his crimes. Anyone who opposes?"

The people stayed silent so the Captain grabbed the lever and pulled it having both Myrdayrth and Dylan fall to the choker. Both of them choking on their own air and waving their feet. 

"HAHAHAHA you think you can cheat me of my money Dylan and now you die for your sins!"

The people seeing the captain for what he truly was ran to Dylan and Myrdayrth and lifted their bodies to give them air.

"What is this treason?"

"Will tell you what it is we are tired of you in our town making every part of it dirty with your filth. These two have done nothing to this town and so they will not die."

"They have the very beast we are are basically at war with."

"No you are at war with this beast has done nothing but live here until we came and gave them problems."

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