"You girls seem like you just ran a marathon or something." Mike stared at our dying faces. I laid my head on the table and sighed.

"I wished." Joey sighed as well. "I think i flung all the tests." I held my palm out and she slapped it.

"The tests were easy." Mike said. "Yeah." Randall agreed.

"I hate you." I looked up and glared at them. How can they be easy? OMG!

"I will go buy you guys sandwiches or something." Mike suggested.

"Egg sandwich for me." Joey mumbled.

"Ham." Randall said, "Tuna for Connie."

"Yeah..." I mumbled under my breath.

Suddenly I felt someone patting on my head. I looked up and saw Randall having his head on the table as well.

"Cheer up babe." He ruffled my hair and smiled. I smiled as sat up. Mike soon came back with our sandwiches. We paid him back and ate our lunch.

After lunch, during free period which i had planned to nap, Mr James called me into his office. It's my first time in his office, hopefully the last time too. His office was plain white like all other offices. His desk and cupboards had picture frames on them. Like a lot. All him and some guys. Not even one picture of him with a woman.

"Please have a seat, Miss Colls."

I sat down as he had asked and waited anxiously. Is it about my results?

"It's about your results."


"All my life. I have never marked or seen a paper which is blank. Would you mind explaining yourself?"

"There's my name. It's not blank."

"Miss Colls. Do you intend on failing French?"

Honestly? I don't mind at all.

"No sir."

"Then, go get yourself a tutor. Perhaphs Randall could tutor you. He got everything right for the test."


"Yes sir."

"I hope to see improvements. You may leave."

"Yes sir."

I exited the office and went back to the library where Randall and my bag was. Before Randall could ask anything, i dragged him out of the library and into the cafeteria.

"What happened?" He asked. I sat down and he followed suit.

"He told me to get you to tutor me French." I said firmly.

"Me? Why?"

"Cause you got full marks. How did you get full marks? I never see you study in my life."

"Well, you probably don't know. I am actually half french. My mom is French. French is my second language."

He is french....? Now that explains everything.

"Tutor you? I am fine with it. We will have fun learning together." He gave me that 'you know what i mean' look.

"No." I pushed him away.

"Aw come one babe."

"I am going home." I took my bag and checked my phone. Oh! A message from... Mum?

'Jasmine will be home for dinner later. Could you stop by the supermarket and buy some groceries? Money is on the table. Thank you dear.'

"Let's go then." Randall held my hand and we went back together. When our house came into sight, a red headed girl was sitting on the doorstep of our house. I hurried over and realized it was Jasmine.

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