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Once I make it to the fair I park and give myself a little pep talk

And with shaking legs I make it to the entrance.

I get hit with the really good smell if fair food and I see the rides and a lot of people

I don't know why but it made my heart swell with happiness as I walked around


I'm hungry

So I look around to see what I want to eat

I decided to go and get a big fair burger that might kill me but so what

And a bucket of cookies because why not  

I also got really good looking smoothie

I found a table and got to eating

I decided I was gonna save the cookies for later and just eat the burger and the smoothie.

After 50 years I was done so I picked up my cookie bucket and started to walk around 

I saw whack a mole and got happy

"I only see this shit on movies" I hear somebody's kid say

"I'mma beat yo ass if you keep cussing Lil boy!"the mother says

That's none of my business
That's none of my business

I looked at the prizes and saw a really big black teddy bear and instantly got to work

I beat the Devil out of the mole

It even got a dent on the mole head

"Damn ma is it that serious?" The kid from earlier said

I just mug him and he looks away

I continued playing the game for a while

"Ayee demon!" I instantly recognized the voice

It was Isaiah .

We really never talked because he almost as quite as me and he doesn't talk he just stares which Is weird *heeon like her like tht so chill*

He a whole mouth breather vro

"Heyy" I say kinda shy because it's my first time talking to him

"Where you come from ?" I ask

"From Stokes house"

"Oh for real why you leave?"

"Because everyone including yo dirito (I can't even spell a chip name) built boyfriend told me to get my no meat having ass outta there" he fake Cry's

I try to not laugh

"Hehahehoohoo my bad I'm sorry"I failed obviously

He stopped and got his own game going while I won again asking for the black Teddy bear


I squealed and hugged it smiling

Isaiah lost

"How TF you do this ?" He then started punching the moles head surprisingly hitting it

This time he won

The person who gives out the prizes was look at us weird

"BOO nigga TF you gay or sun" he asked

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