?W h e r e 's m y t a p e ?

503 25 11

*jahs pov*

After picking up the tape dvd thing with demons name i made my way home .

I don't have a dvd player but my xbox does .

I put the dvd in and started to watch.

There was a young girl in a costume with some...

Demon horns ?

She looked a lot like demon but younger it had the date in a corner .

It was demon .

She was crying and some people  came into the room .

She ran to them but one of them shoved her down  and began speaking it wasn't clear do i couldn't hear.

-some time passes

demon is a little older and found where the camera was and now was using it as a daily vlog type thing 

She would sometimes sing the songs she wrote or just sitting in front of the camera and just talk about anything to it . She had and still does have a small voice but she looked more innocent  then but like in a sad way if that makes sense. 

Another video came on it was a blog type.

"Hi it's me again its demon"

She had blood gushing down her face and she looked beat up.

her once white horns where now red and she had dried tear trails going down her face.

"I cant take my horns  off anymore !"

She started choking up about to cry.
She was still young about sevenish in the video .

"She sew them to my head! it hurts so bad".

She began crying and touching around where the horns where blood was now visible on her hands .

"i-i just want my mom and dad back".

My heart hurt for her  i wanted to hold her and keep her safe. it made me feel some type of way knowing it was all in the past .

A door in the stadium  opens and she quickly  hid the camera .

You could hear talking  and then screaming .

You could then pick out choking noises and then it was quite. 

The video ends.

*some more time skips *

I was now watching a video where demon was a little older and she was singing a song she wrote .

"The pain in my heart just wont end .

The words that i find  just don't seem to compare ."

They had her in a booth with studio stuff around her. she looked fragile and was staring into the camera with a blank expression on her face  while she sung .

Her voice was beautiful and angelic.

I loved it .


I watched to whole video series  to the end .

I'm not even gonna lie i cried a little to .

The shit  i saw happen scared me for life .

I now wanted to make sure she was good .

Be that person she needs in her life .

Ya digg?

*demons pov*




My. Tape. Is . Gone .

I'm flipping the fuck out to find it

I checked my bag but could find it so I'm searching through everything  .


I start having a break down and pull at my hair .


Haha don't worry .

When shit like this happens i blame myself  and its not pretty or cute .

My heart starts beating fast .

So fast that i felt my whole heart beating out of my chest.

I black out.


I'm gone.


Boii I'm finna be the next bob ross .

I got a whole new art set and ya girl finna flex on bitches who cant draw.

Yes i qouted x'S song for demon
(All credit goes to onfory)

It just fitted in on what i was tryna do .

But i hope you like the chapter and bye.


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