Chapter 75

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Omniscient Narrative


Her ears picked up the faint rhythmic beeps. Like it was an echo from far land away. Fading in and out as she felt the dryness in her throat. As dry as a parchment left in sun.

The heavy lids felt as if they were glued to each other.

It was dark. She was unconscious as the sense filled her body. And when it finally reached her mind, her eyes snaps open with a soundless gasp, in a speed that left her nauseous.

The steady beeps of her rate monitor collapses, filling the room. Similar to the way the heaves of breath that filled and left her body.

"Clam down Elzi, Its fine. You are safe now" Ian Blakewall was by her side in an instant. Grabbing her frantically trembling hand by her wrist. Carefully not to disturb the IV tapes.

The Girl's struggles to breath and her deranged state of life broke his heart despite him facing many legal trails as a lawyer with cases of immense strategy. He could feel what Elzina was going through.

It was much familiar when she looked so much like her mother Elizabeth. His best friend.

The med faculty barges in and rushes by her side. Some checking on her vitals while the other pressed a painful amount of liquid down her system through lV.

Her vision began blurring into a mush of lazy circles as the ceiling spirals. The little comfort she adapted at the presence of Ian now stirred away as the drugs rushed into her, carried her into a hue of darkness.

Fading in.

Fading out.

But before she could pass out entirely, she willed her lips to ask. A single concerned name broken, raspy and fearful.


And then her eyes closed. The last words she heard from Ian being that of utter relief.

"He's fine sweetie. He's okay"


The bright rays from morning sun bathed the White blunt hospital room in such washed and clean whiteness that it almost made Elzina hate the color. Almost.

She was fully awake now. The doctor greeted her this day with good morning instead of pricking her skin with tranquilizers as soon as she opened her eyes after a struggle that new born infants endures.

Metaphorically it was her new life. According to the doctor.

Who had clearly summarized the entirety of the danger she was in, in a nutshell.

A shiver ran down her spine. Chilling and vengeful. Like every single human, she realized the she did feared the death.

The idea of not waking up ever, which once felt a bliss was now a dread.

But what terrified her more the bunch of cleanly strategized questions in her head.

The gaze softly traced over the pattern down her hospital gown. Loose on her body, blue chequered upon soft white fabric.

So much white.

"There you go" the nurse finished up nursing the head wound with a crown of bandage around. The side of her lips wrinkled like brackets as she smiled at the young, beautiful girl in front of her.

But the lifelessness in her grey orbs was worse than a gravestone. She wondered what made her this way. When Elzina lifted her gaze to acknowledge the old lady's help with a nod, something about her made the nurse insecure.

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