An Apprentice and a Big Reveal

Start from the beginning


It's the end of the school day, "Hey, Tamaki. Go on ahead without us. We'll catch up." Kaine says as she stops in me in my tracks.

"Okay, I'll see you later." He laughs before leaving us. Next thing I know, Kaine grabs my sleeve and pulls me into the nearest empty room.

"You're pissed at me. Fine whatever. I can handle that but what i can't handle is not knowing why. Whether petty or not, i don't care. Why are you pissed at me?" she demands. Well then. This will be amusing.

"Interesting." I smile.

"What?" she exclaims, all while she keeps me against the door, hand on my chest, so I don't leave.

How the tables have turned.

"The fact that you demand to know something, asking me questions, and not leaving me alone until i do. Ring a bell?" I explain.

"That's not fair." she says upset. The pressure of her hand tightens.

"Well telling you would be playing fair. I'm not playing anymore. I believe were your exact words." I throw her words back at her.

"Now that's not fair." I exclaim again. Her hand tightens even more.

"Life isn't fair. I have no time for this. I need to prepare for the host club before business. Excuse me." I dismiss myself as I remove her hand from my chest before walking out the door.

"Kyoya!" is the last thing she shouts before I walk out the door.

Instead of leaving immediately, I lean against the door only to hear several thumps and heavy breathing. Ignoring the situation, I then leave before she too walks out the room.

*|| Kaine's POV ||*

I took a moment to calm down before making my way to the host club.

"Ritsu Kasanoda, first year, class D. He is to be the 3rd-generation head of the Kasanoda Syndicate. The most powerful gang in the Kanto area. He was admitted this year into Ouran. He has long red hair, a mean looking appearance, is reserved and has few friends. It is said if your eyes meet his you'll have bad dreams for 3 months. If you bump into him you'll end up in the hospital. And talking back to him sends you to an early grave. He is so feared by his classmates that the call him the walking blizzard."

Ah Kasanoda.

I stroll through to sit with Honey and Mori, grabbing a piece of cake. Kasanoda explains himself as to why he wants to be Mori's apprentice. I could care less about this while Kyoya writes it all down.

"Morinozuka senpai, that's why I need you to show me. How do manage to have so many friends? When you're just as mean looking as me?

"HM?" Mori expresses. And i stop eating my cake for a moment.

"You're expressionless, distant, and you hardly ever talk. Plus you've got a mug that looks like a watchdog from hell. So how come you have so many friends? What are you doin' that I'm not?"

I feel his whole body fall to the floor "Please, teach me your secrets! I'm begging you!"

Honey ask Mori if he's okay and I get up from my seat before walking to Kasanoda and kick him in the face. Enough to bruise him, not enough to bleed.

"Woah Kaine senpai!" Kaoru exclaims.

"What was that for?" Hikaru asks baffled. Mori holds my wrist as i look down at Kasanoda's direction.

"He insulted Mori." I turn to them" And I  will not allow that."

"Wow. So scary." All but Kyoya say in unison.

"We all knew that Mori senpai is protective of Honey senpai and can be scary if need be but... Who knew that Kaine is scary when she's protective?" Tamaki quivers.

"We didn't know she had this much of a soft spot for us." the twins chime in.

"Don't you think you were a little too harsh on the guy, Kaine senpai?" Haruhi adds.

"Wait... Kaine?" I hear Kasanoda groans."Mah!!! M-miss Kohima! I'm sorry for offending you! Please forgive me and my stupid mouth. I'll make sure I'll be more careful with my words."

I simply role my eyes."Kyoya attend to his wounds please. I'm going home."

----Next day----

"Big brother Morinozuka, Miss Kohima! I just wanted to say good mornin'." Kasanoda exclaims as we head to class.

"Good mornin' to you Bossa Nova." Honey cheers.

"Right back at cha, Haninozuka-senpai!" Scaring Honey, he hides between me and Mori.

"Back at cha." Honey mumbles.

He offers to carry our bags but we decline. I then hear a rasping noise on top of us and so i pull Mori's sleeve. He's realized this too. Next thing i know, Kasanoda groans and a pot falls between us with another falling on its way.

From the distance of the crash I can tell, and I'm sure Moru and Honey hace realized it too, someone is after Kasanoda.

Everyone asks if we're alright but I dismiss all of that and part ways from everyone and head to class.

Between classes, Kyoya, this time, was the one who pulled me aside this time.

"How do you know Kasanoda?" Kyoya asks rather roughly. I feel his breath on my face, Isn't he too close for comfort.

"Is this the sound of jealousy? Now, now Kyoya. You should learn to control yourself." I tease. He draws closer.

"I'm not in the mood for your quips, Kaine. Just answer my question." He gets closer.

"I assume you already tried to interrogate him."

"He's more scared of you than he is of me." he says a little more calmly.

"Keep in mind that you're the first person I've dated so you don't need to be jealous, Kyoya." I take adeep breath." My family has done some business with his syndicate. That's all you need to know."

There's a moment of silence between us.

"I'll leave it be if..."He pauses," If you tell me what happened to your staircase injury." He comes a bit closer. I didn't think that was possible.

"I'll answer your question if you answer mine: Why have you been mad at me?" I say softly drawing closer to him this time. I say we're about only a few centimeters away.

"Because of this." He says softly. What? He then pulls away."Because we can't do this and still be friends. You remind me that you love me and you still expect us to be friends? I will not do that." he sighs."Excuse me."

I move out of the way  as he exits the room. And I'm alone in a room, once again.

Not wanting to bother, I focus on my work though out the day as Tamaki and, on occasion, Kyoya socialize with everyone in class.

After school, I stay behind to finish my studies, purposely avoiding my usual walk with the boys. Eventually, I put everything away and I head over to the club room. No doubt they're still helping Kasanoda.

I make my way down the hall and soon make it to the club room. I open the doors only to walk in on a dramatic situation.

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