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The first appearance of light showed in the sky, making it bright pink out as the sun peeked over the distance. The grass covered by the pink shade, only danced in the wind, hearing the whispering of the wind. The trees that swayed and the flowers that bloomed, hearing the gentle rush of water.

Staring at the girl who layed in the grass, laying her head on her supply bag. Deadshot watched her as she slept, he had been standing there on patrol all night. She layed in grass that made her invisible to others, it always somehow managed to work when hiding from machines. Deadshot still wondered as to what that dialogue had ment, by the thing that the man spoke of. It has to be whatever tore through that Broadhead

Wondering off a few nano clicks away, knowing that since she was safe he could wonder off just to check around the place, do some investigating for anything new. But to his luck nothing but machines patrolling, "what are you doing far away from your spot?" Asked a machine, that had been smaller than Deadshot but not by much, the machines features made him seem like the Earth's animals, mainly like a American wild dog or a hyena cause from time to time it would sound as though this machine would laugh from time to time. These machines were known as Scrappers, they usually traveled in packs and had atleast four or five in their pack.

"I had fell from a mountain do to a battle with a human. But they too fell down with me" He replied to the machine.

"Oh I see. The humans always seem to attack us on our territory" replied the Scrapper, looking at him as his little blades on his jaw twisted around constantly.

"Where is your pack, Duxcanis?"

"They are over yonder patrolling. I told them to keep patrolling while I came over here"

"Seen anything suspicious?"

"Well I did seen something odd - more like hear" Duxcanis began. "Me and my crew had been patrolling for some time and I happened to hear the high pitch cry and the eerie sound of the Watcher that alerted us, when I had made my way there it was as though it took only seconds to find them laying lifeless as though I hadn't been there in time. It was a crew of humans, a Watcher, a few Striders, and one Sawtooth. They all layed on the ground, powered off. But that wasn't what caught my eye it was the fact that most of the machines layed with there metal shredded up and the humans had there stomach plates ripped open spilling out these liquids and parts that made them live"

"It wasn't long ago that we - I mean I had heard, it spoke of some combination machine that had been uncontrollable and Dangerous. The human even talked about how all of his friends had been killed by this thing" Deadshot replied.

"I'd be afraid to know what this machine can really do. I would say don't engage. We don't know how big this thing is or how powerful it could be" said the Scrapper, showing the same fear he did. "I best be heading back to my pack".

"Okay. Just be careful, alright?"

"I will" Duxcanis replied, walking back to his crew, as Deadshot walked off, making his way toward a mountain that sloped upward, caked in snow and pointed at the top of the mountain that stood tall against other mountains.

Deadshot began climbing it carefully as to not fall, something told him to go up the mountain and see what awaits above and so he did. He stepped up the mountain and walked past rocks, not wanting to go down not like this. He knew it was wrong to leave the girl but he had other important things to do, it was beginning to get harder to climb as the mountain sloped upwards pretty steep, he stepped on a rock and as a result it broke and he almost fell down but his foot caught onto another place. The breeze of the air was so strong and he made it to the white part of the mountain, stepping in soft, little pieces of the white clouds that layed on the mountain and he had came all the way up.

Looking down at what looked to be almost all of the land, he saw so much territory and machines that looked tiny from where he stood, the air breezed so much on his body and clouds floated past him. Then he took the moments to admire the scenery, only to hear a voice speak to him, he looked around confused, searching for the one who is speaking.

"Metal that clings and bones that crack the world might not see the light" Spoke an anonymous voice in the open, he looked around once more and wondered where the voice was coming from.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" He asked, frightened by what the voice meant and what that could mean. "Metal that clings? Bones that crack? The world might not see the light?!" Something must be tying down to some sort of moment but what, it must have something to do with the end of the world but hopefully it ain't true. It couldn't be.

He made his way carefully down the mountain, thinking back to the dialogue, the dead Broadhead, and the reports from Duxcanis. Deadshot made sure not to fall and carefully stepped down the uneven surface, he made it to the green grass that moved in the wind and seen some clouds rolling in. It must have meant that the sky would fall again like it always does now and then, the sky would always leak and hit against his metal making a sound of a melody. Deadshot began to move in his own direction instead, leaving behind the girl he had so called forgotten about and remembered that all humans were bad.

Was something big comming....? Will we all live to see another life....? The sky that fall... Could it mean something close to the world not meeting light.....? This world has something comming to it and it might not be pretty but whatever happens a fight will always be my answer....

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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