chapter three

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Amina's POV

I've heard that past kings were wise but baba is different,he's wise and unpredictable I thought to myself.

He told me to come out and ofcouse I had no choice...but How does he manage to know every single time.

So I came out,What will I say to baba now!.

"Your highness!" I exclaimed and nod a bit.

He watched me without a word,so I began to explain my self.

"I...was passing and ....and I saw something...yes was...very..very big..big..-"  he cleared his throat and I stopped.

"You never listen"He turned his back.

And this time I was quiet and Looking down for it was true,I never listen.

"I told you not to come here"

He turned around and crossed the distance between us ,It took everything in me not to run away, I  stopped myself,my palms were sweaty.

"Why do you come here?" He asked waiting for a reply which never came.

"I ask you again!why do you come here?"

This is your chance  Amina...tell him..stand up to him and tell him.

struggling with my subconscious,I  swallowed one too many times but I  manage to speak.

"Father...I come here because...because".

"Speak" he orders looking straight at me.

"Father I see the Room and I want to get in....I can't stop myself"  managing to speak

The king was stunned by my reply And so he hung on to every word.

I went on to say "Your collection" waiting for his reply.

"What about them?" He asked.

"I ....I see them and I want to touch them and feel them"

"They're  weapons and dangerous" He corrects

"I'm not afraid" I quickly replied.

" I know"

He knows!Eyes wide I wait for him to break the silence.

" Now on a more serious matter" diverting the matter.

"What did you register...?" The king asked.

Ofcouse I knew what he meant by that,I heard everything.

"You're planning an attack?" I stated more of a question

"Good girl and What else?"

"Something to do the with the kingdom of Daura"

I can't help but feel proud of myself,I  didn't realise I payed much attention to these things.

"Good!" He commends

"Now listen carefully" the king moved closer to me.

"Do not speak of this to any one" he warned

" Yes  Baba" I quickly replied with a nod.

"Not even your mother" He adds.

"Yes baba"


End of Amina's PoV.

The next Day,Everyone was busy as the prince and his entourage were coming to the city of Zazzau to formalize things.

AMINA! The Queen of Zazzau(COMPLETED!)✔Where stories live. Discover now