"Yeah, well, things are not that good between us so I don't know about that." She said, sighing.

Bailey frowned. "What do you mean? You fought with Jules?"

"What? No, Sean." Kaycee denied.

"Because of what? you guys were acting all cute happy family the other day... and after you said he was fine with the idea of being her father, I thought you would finally go for it." Said Bailey.

"We were fine until like four days ago, a day before the DNA test." She explained to her friend the events from the night she figured he still had a girlfriend. "... Well, they weren't over yet."

"Oh no! What? No no no no no..." The other really couldn't believe it. "Sean is a dick? With you? No, no, there's no way! Like not with you, noooo... I don't believe that. I just can't believe that. Like I'm not saying that he's free of being a dick, just saying that he would never be one with you, you are like his whole life."

"Well..." Kaycee shuregued. 

"But you know Sean right? I bet he was just trying to make things right, you even said yourself he wanted to wait to be with you." Said her friend. "Not his fault you are do damn irresistible."

They both laughed. "I know... and I'm so confused now, you know? When we are kids we learn that there's good and there's bad, but now it's like if everything falls in this grey area and I just don't know a thing anymore."

She ran her fingers through her hair before drinking a bit of her tea — sighing again. "Like, can I be mad with him? Am I allowed to that? Because I cheated on Gabe, Gabe cheated on me, now Sean cheated this girl with me and like... can I even be mad about it and say that he did something wrong when I did it too?"

"Love, life is crazy and the thing is that we make mistakes and we learn from them... You're not a bad person, neither of you, and it doesn't mean you won't make mistakes or bad things, just means that you're going to learn from your mistakes, and not do it again."

She took Kaycee's hand on hers. "Don't be so harsh on yourself or him, you've been fighting your feelings for each other for such a long time if you don't give yourself a break no one will for you..."

"I just don't know how to act anymore." She admitted. "And it's so exhausting having to constantly fight against the universe, and now that I have Jia I feel like I don't have time for mistakes, you know? I need to make things right for her and yet I don't know how to make things right for me."

"You need to give yourself a break, Kaycee... Jia doesn't need someone perfect that won't make mistakes, she doesn't need a robot to set an example. She needs her beautiful, amazing, and strong mother who is human." Said Bailey, making Kaycee smile. "And as Hannah Montana would say, nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes."

Kaycee cracked laughing. "What you or Hannah Montana have as advice for me then? because right now I keep being hit by the universe."

"Well, I think you should accept teaching in Vegas and have some fun." Said Bailey. "Tell the universe to go fuck himself 'cause you won't be crying around."

They laughed. "Straightforward but I think it was the best speech in the history of speeches... send that email, I'm going to Vegas."

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