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[ten months before the epilogue] 

Kaycee didn't want to be that person, she didn't want to be the one stalking someone on the internet but as she didn't have any other way to contact him — because they weren't supposed to talk to each other — stalking in silent his social media was the only way to feel close to him.

And being a dancer/choreographer that could not dance anymore because she was seven months pregnant and bigger than a basketball was starting to get her pretty bored since she was unable to teach as much anymore — stalking him while missing him was her only option as she stayed all day at home.

She didn't have much to stalk, he had twitter but never uses, Facebook? even less. Her only option was Instagram and he wasn't the best at keeping it updated either — once in a while he would post some very aesthetically pleasing story that made no sense or whatsoever for her to really know what was going on in his life.

But then, there was the Instagram of the people around him. She would normally go for Melvin, the dancer Sean was sharing an apartment with and he was always posting things about their classes and their lives — she would see Sean there most of the time, making food at their place or being his cute, dork, or genius self in class.

Most of the time it looked like he was having fun there, it was a bit sad but mostly made her happy because she wanted for him to be happy — even if it was sad to see that he was finding happiness without her.

While stalking Melvin to see Sean, she began to learn about the people they hung out and after a few weeks, she was used to everyone as if she knew them in person. But then a week ago someone new started to show up — a girl.

At first, she thought it was just a friend of the two of them but then she started to be at their apartment all the time, so she settled thinking that the girl was Malvin's girlfriend — that was until Malvin tagged the girl in one of his stories and she decided to stalk her instead.

It was a mistake because the first thing she found was a photo of the girl and Sean, holding hands in some cute street in China — and her heart was broken because he was not only finding happiness without her, he was also finding it in someone new.

She knew it was stupid of her to be jealous and upset because she was married, she didn't love her husband but she was married and about to have a child, and yet she was still in pain, even knowing that he had all the rights to find someone new.

And deep down she expected that he would, Sean was the kindest and most talented person she knew and he also happened to be extremely good-looking, so it was obvious that one day he would find someone.

She just wasn't counting to be so soon — or for her to still be in love with him when it happened.

Kaycee stood from the couch she had been laying on for the past hours and decided to be proficient and occupy her mind with something other than Sean — she decided to build her baby's crib that had been sitting in a box for two weeks because Gabe didn't
assemble it, no matter how many times she asked.

She had always been good with this kind of stuff, once she assembled a whole kitchen table including the chairs without any help — well, except Sean's...

The thought of him made her hammer her finger, nothing bad but still painful. She ran to the bathroom to put some cold water on it.

"Damn it, Kaycee." She said to herself as she sat in the lid of the toilet — finger throbbing.

She goes her phone in hands and opens in their text messages — she wanted to talk to him, she wanted to tell him that she had chosen a name and that the nursery was almost ready, she wanted to know about his classes, his apartment, and his new girl even if it hurt, she wanted to know it all.

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