Chapter 7

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Walking into the powder room, I set down my clutch purse on the counter. Then, I opened my bag and got out my compact. When I looked to the side of me in the mirror, I noticed another person standing there.

"Yula." I spoke up. Yula looked over to me in the side of her eye, then put away her lipstick in her purse.

"Brigitte." She turned to me. Her voice had a slight Russian accent, she pronounced the "tt" in my name exotically. Her stance was tall and poised. Her hand was on her hip. She was one of the most popular and respected escorts.

It was to the point where men dated her in the real world. Papers constantly wrote about the mystery girl that kept being seen mingling with the famous and wealthy. I didn't call her a mystery girl, I called her a groupie.

"I see you're with Gregor again tonight." She said, then slowly disregarded me by turning toward the mirror to fix her hair. "Finally, you're with someone other than Lou Costello."

"He took me out once." I answered back defensively. "And he's a nice guy. Really funny too."

"Well Jerry Lewis is funny as well." She laughed a monotone laugh in the mirror. Then, her eyebrows rose and she looked to me. "And he took me out the other night."

"Why is everything a competition to you, Yula? We're all here for the same thing." I crossed my arms. Yula turned to me and stepped toward me. Her wavy platinum blonde hair somehow managed to not frizz after all those dye jobs. There's a rumor that Veronica Lake asked her what shampoo she used.

"This is all a competition for the best men." Yula rose a brow. "And once you get in with them like I have, you may even find a husband."

"They'll never marry you. Most of them are already married." I corrected her. She laughed, her structured jaw pointing up as she looked toward the ceiling.

"This is America, divorce is more popular than polio." Yula joked in a plain voice. Her demeanor was cold and without life, but her beauty is what drew people to her. This led people to ignore her bitch behavior. "Besides, I find myself with men as young and handsome as they come. Many of my clients are yet to be marriaged."

"Married." I corrected her with a squint. She rolled her eyes and turned toward the mirror. It upset me that even her grammatical mistakes sounded charming.

"Have fun with Gregory. He's been in the business for a long time." Yula laughed as she picked up her purse.

"I'll make sure to tell him you said that." I threatened as she walked toward the door. With her hand pressed on it, she looked back at me.

"You're not woman enough, negr." She told me, then walked out of the bathroom. I didn't exactly know what that last thing she told me was, but I'm sure I wouldn't want a translator to tell me.

I was upset about Yula and I's little exchange, but I kept my decorum as I returned to my table. Gregory stood up and pulled out my seat for me. I gladly sat down in it, then be gently pushed me in. He had already ordered me my favorite glass of wine.

The burlesque dancers got off of the stage and where dancing in front of specific tables. One chose our table to dance in front of. Burt and Sidney had already left with girls so the table was all to ourselves. Gregory didn't pay any regard to her, as if he wanted her to go away. I kept on feeling like I recognized her, but her face was concealed by a mask.

It was pretty late in the night, Gregory was getting in a mood. He took my hand and kept eye contact as he placed a soft kiss on it. That was his way of showing that he wanted to go somewhere a little private.

I suddenly was distracted by Yula after she began slowly passing our table with her date on her arm. The man was young, buff, and wearing a suit with a bow tie. His hair was brown and gelled into waves. He wore a white mask that covered his whole face, from the forehead down to the chin. It was ornate with gold designs around the edges of it.

I looked at the body to try and decipher exactly who that was. My mind raced as I tried to figure it out. They seemed to be guided by Yula as their arms were linked, was he new? What did he do for a living? Who is—

"Who is that?" Valerie loudly asked as she plopped down in the seat beside Gregory and I. "Isn't he a new treat?"

"You haven't seen his face yet, Valerie." I smiled as I rolled my eyes. "Besides, I'm not wondering who he is. I have my date right here."

I took Gregory's hand and he squeezed mine, as if he was holding onto my affection. Valerie rolled her eyes as he looked back over to the mystery man with my archenemy.

"Well, I'm about to find out." Valerie stood up and walked over to Yula and the man who stood in front of the bar on the other side of the room. I squinted as I watched her tap the man's shoulder. Yula seemed annoyed that someone of Valerie's reputation even felt that she could speak to them.

"Why don't we head upstairs." Gregory brought my attention back to him. "It's best we get our room now so we can get a good one."

"Grand idea." I smiled. Gregory stood up and held out his arm. Taking it, we both began walking towards the door. Before we exited, I turned around and looked toward that bar. Valerie was screaming something loud and slapping the arm of the mystery man.

"Come on, love, let's go." Gregory placed his hand on my back. With that, we both exited the heavy metal door to the club and left.

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