Chapter 6

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The limo parked in front of the Walward Hotel. It was one of the most prestigious hotels in New York. In 1954, only the classiest people walked through the doors. While I considered myself classy in my own right, my social and financial status surely wasn't on the same level as those inside this hotel.

The Walward Gentleman's Social Club has been one of the most exclusive organizations since the turn of the century. It is comprised of only the rich, the famous and their dates. No one knew exactly what went on inside besides the members.

Sometimes you'd read stories about the events inside, but even the papers hadn't a clue exactly what went on.

Gregory excused the chauffeur and took his place in front of my car door. While he opened the door, I stepped out of the car. My red lipstick was perfectly lined and matched my cherry colored, cowl neck dress. It had been tailored at the waist to fit my silhouette.

"You look stunning." Gregory complimented as my brown eyes looked up at him. Then, he handed me a lace masquerade mask. "It's a shame we have to cover up that beautiful face."

I took the mask from him and looked down at the little lace fabric. My red nail polish sparkled in the glow of the black, ornate street lamp. I looked up at him as I covered my face, a routine I got used to at this point. He did the same with his own masculine black mask that matched his penguin suit.

Many do not know that New York streets truly do go to sleep, because no one was on that block besides us. What truly doesn't go to sleep in New York are those in the basements underneath the streets.

Linking my arm in his, we both made our way into the hotel. Passing the check in desk, we immediately walked through multiple corridors to a specific stairway. After walking down multiple steps, we were met by a door. A small window was opened and peaked out at us. No password was needed, the doorman immediately recognized us.

"Welcome back." He said in a welcoming, yet nonchalant tone. It was a contrast to the activities that were occurring within the club.

Burlesque dancers moved about on stage for onlookers with lust in their eyes. Cigarette smoke floated along the ceiling, yet smoke from other substances was mingled in the air as well. The walls of the place were velvet and truffled with buttons along it. There were many circular tables throughout the room where men either watched the burlesque show or talked amongst themselves.

A few of them would have their escort for the night next time as the ladies pretended to be interested in their conversation. The men would constantly be hyper sexual, which led to many love affairs beginning in the nooks and crannies of the place. One room in particular had a heart shaped bed that held many spectacles.

But Gregory wasn't paying me to be one of those girls. He took pride in the fact that I had a reputation for having class. Gregory wasn't the only man to take me out. I've been with Cary Grant, Michael Rockefeller, James Stewart, Humphrey Bogart, Frank Sinatra, the list goes on. When I went out with those men, my name was simply Brigitte.

Tori is a student struggling to get by in the day. Her life is normal and there isn't much excitement. She isn't very outspoken, maybe even a little shy. But when I was, Brigitte suddenly I had confidence. Brigitte rubbed shoulders with some of the most powerful men and didn't think twice about it.

Gregory led me to a circular table where we took a seat. Across the way from us were two men whose eyes were glued to the small stage at the front of the room. I could see Gregory's eyes through the peep holes of his mask that he was looking toward me, a smirk spread on his face. I smiled back as he looked back to the men.

"Hey, gentlemen?" He called out. The two individuals turned around. It was Sidney Poitier, one of the most successful and handsome up and coming actors of the time. The other was Burt Lancaster, another youngster, but prominent in the industry.

"What took you so long?" Sidney asked with a smile.

"You missed the best part, Barbara Stanwyck came out with spinners on her tits." Burt called out over the music that played. I pursed my lips together at his comment.

"Burt, will you stop being a numb skull?" Sidney playfully smacked his friend's arm. Then, he smiled at me. "I'm sorry, beautiful. He doesn't have any home training."

"He has it, but he's had more shots tonight than home training." Gregory joked in an intellectual and smooth voice. His charisma caused all of us to laugh together, even Burt, who laughed an honest laugh at his own expense.

"Aye, Brigitte?" A woman's voice asked. I turned around and it was a fellow escort, Violet. She had blue eyes, thick Sicilian hair and a contagious accent.

"Violet." I observed as I turned toward her. Her dress was loud and made a statement, the neckline being extremely low. The color was very eye catching, but so was Violet's persona. Despite her unpolished behavior, she was still a favorite within the club and was there every night without a mask. Escorting was her full job.

"Hey, we have a little cocaine over there? Are you finally going to join us?" Violet asked as she pushed on my shoulder. I looked over behind her at the group of people crowded around a table with their noses stuck to the surface.

"I'm fine, you know I don't do that." I declined with a smile.

"You need to get out more, you're such a goody-two shoes." Violet smiled as she placed her hand on the back of my chair. "You know who took me out tonight?"

"Aren't they supposed to be anonymous?" I asked her with furrowed eyebrows. Violet, however, was not afraid of speaking about who was at the club. Despite the masks, we pretty much recognized everyone anyway.

When you hear Perry Como's voice, you know exactly what is.

"Dean Martin. He's paying a big bucks too, I'm gonna be swimming in dough tonight." Violet laughed. Violet then continued to look about the room. Her eyes set on Gregory.

"Hey, Greg." She lifted her hand as she popped her hip out. No matter who Violet spoke to, her flirtatious allure was always on. She left herself open to get new clients every night.

We all knew Violet had taken out Gregory one night. No one knows exactly went on after they left, but some claim they saw him at Lenox Hill the next day.

"Violet." Gregory lifted his hand back at her. Then, adjusted the mask on his face. She laughed at his nervousness.

"Alrighty, I'd better go back before all of the snow is gone." She turned around and strutted back over to the group of people. I looked back at her as she yelled out. "You guys are so greedy!"

With a laugh, I turned to Gregory who was trying to get his mask on better.

"Why do I wear this thing if someone is always going to call out my name?" He asked me.

"Honey, if you wore a paper bag over your head, people would recognize you." I leaned toward him, earning a laugh from him. "Please, excuse me."

Both Gregory and Sidney stood up from the table as I got out of my seat. Burt still sat down with his back turned to me, drunkenly watching the now nude dancers on stage.

Sidney smacked Burt over the head.

"What do you want?" Burt asked out of annoyance. Then, he realized I was about to leave the table. In his drunken stupor he quickly gathered together his manners and stood up along with the Gregory and Sidney.

I smiled at Burt with a nod, then stepped dangerously close to Gregory. With my lips pressed against his ear, I spoke to him in a whisper. "I'm going to the powder room. I'll be back in a moment."

"Be back soon." He rose a brow at me as he smirked. I placed my hand on his chest, then slid it down his body. Gregory reacted graciously to my touch. His eyes were glued to me as I swayed away from the table.

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