Sixteen - Studio Vibes

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Crystal Whitley

Grocery shopping has just bumped its way to the top of my "things I hate to do the most" list. It now rests next to cleaning the bathroom and eating mustard. The reason being that every time I go shopping for groceries, everyone is always standing in my way, or there is a small child with parents that don't know how to keep watch on them or I get a really bitchy cashier. On my really unfortunate days, it will be all of the above, if not more.

In all, I just hate being around annoying people that don't have any hospitality. Grocery stores just seem to be teeming with them.

When I arrived in my kitchen with six bags full of microwavable dinners and the occasional food that needs to be cooked in the oven, my arms felt as if they were about to detach from my shoulders. I had been carrying these from my car, up one flight of stairs, and and down the hallway until I reached my front door. It took me a good five minutes or so to fish my keys from my purse-which was also hanging from one of my two arms-and unlock the door.

Today has not been a good day.

Yesterday after Justin left, which was somewhere around 10, I showered and went straight to bed. While he was here, It completely slipped my mind that I had to be up early for work at the diner the next morning. It went from a perfect night to a shitty morning.

Firstly, I slept in because my dumb self forgot to turn on my alarm. By the time I awoke, I was already a half an hour late for my shift. To make things worse, my morning sickness was not kind to me this morning. That took up another ten minutes that I already should have been doing working.

And as if my day could not have declined any more, there was a car accident on the route I used to get to work, making the traffic run slower than usual.

By the time I clocked in for work, I was and hour and a half late. How awesome.

Luckily for me, I had rarely been late, and not once in the past year, and after explaining everything to my boss-who I believe favors me over all the other employees-she let me off the hook.

Doesn't it seem like I had had enough stress for one morning? I thought so, but apparently that wasn't the case. Around two hours after I had arrived at work, a lady came in, and saying that she was the rudest, most condescending person I've ever had the misfortune to meet would be the understatement of the year. She walked as if she owned the planet and every other person was below her. The damn woman wouldn't even look anyone in the eye, as if they're "not worthy", or some shit of that sort. Everything already pisses me of as it is, and people like her make me nearly bite off my tongue. Needless to say, that was not a good part of my day.

I guess its safe to say that I haven't been this frustrated and aggravated and annoyed and pissed off all once in a very long time. Today was just a day where nothing worked in my favor. Not yet, anyway.

After putting everything away where it needed to go, I ambled towards my bedroom to change out of my work uniform. Digging through my dresser to find something to wear, I pulled out a t-shirt I got from playing softball back in high-school. It used to be a bright red, since our team color was red, but over time and after plenty of washes it's now more of a faded red. I slipped off the shirt I was already wearing and pulled it over my head. Loose t-shirts are my favorite kind of shirts. Any shirt that I'd get at events, basically. I never liked tight clothes for some reason.

In my middle drawer, I found a pair of light wash jeans, since it was kind of chilly today in California, and slipped them up my legs. It sucks that in a few months none of my clothes will fit me anymore. All of my dresses wouldn't even be able to stretch for my stomach, and my jeans and shorts probably won't even button. At least I have plenty of slightly oversized shirts. If I could be pregnant and miraculously gain little to no weight I would be very grateful.

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