Four - Nausea

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*4 weeks later*

I pulled into the driveway at my parents' house and parked. Grabbing my phone and keys, I stepped out of the car and shut the door behind me, locking it.

It was Saturday, and ever since I moved out of my mom and dad's house when I graduated, I had always come over on Saturdays for dinner. The house wasn't that big, but it didn't need to be considering only three people lived here, which were my my mom, dad, and my little sister Allyson, who's four years younger than me, so she's 15.

I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. I don't know why I do it, but I guess if I just walked in it'd be weird since I don't necessarily live here anymore. I heard light footsteps coming toward the door before it swung open, revealing my mom, with a smile plastered to her face. It was crazy how similar we were when it came to appearance. We both had light brown eyes, dirty-blonde hair, and a petite frame. She was only 37 years old, since she had me when she was only 17, so she looked quite young, making our similarities really stand out. The only thing I got from my dad was his nose.

"Crystal! I'm glad you could make it!" my mom exclaimed while embracing me in a bone-crushing hug.

"Why wouldn't I have? I always come on Saturdays," I questioned.

"I know, I know," she said while I took my shoes off at the front door. "But I still get excited every time you visit. Come to the kitchen, your dad's been waiting to see you."

I followed her to the kitchen, and the second I stepped through the doorframe, I was hit in the face with the delicious aroma of fettuccine alfredo. Damn, mom made my favorite food. My stomach made a weird noise, telling me that I was hungry. I hadn't eaten since breakfast which was about nine hours ago, so I was pretty hungry.

"Hi daddy," I said while wrapping my arms around my dad's body and he did the same.

"What's up, Crystal?" my dad asked as he pulled away from the hug.

"Nothing much. Work's been good, life's been good," I laughed. "But Brandon keeps calling me trying to apologize, but he clearly won't take the hint that I'm over and done with him. He still thinks I'm going to take him back."

"Well, honestly all I can't say is to just ignore him. He needs to realize that he was in the wrong and he shouldn't be, nor does he deserve to be forgiven," my mom sighed.

"Yeah I know. I am ignoring him, but apparently me not returning his calls or texts isn't enough. He came to my APARTMENT last week, pleading for forgiveness and for me to take him back."

"Just wait it out. He'll give up eventually when he realized that you aren't interested and move on," my dad said. "Can you go get Allyson and tell her dinner's done?"

"Yeah, sure. Be right back."

I exited the kitchen and climbed up the staircase leading to the second floor. I knew Ally would be in her room. She always is. The only times she comes out is to use the bathroom or eat or school. Any other time of day, she'll definitely be in her room.

When I reached her door, I didn't even bother to knock as our family has never really been the knocking type and walked right in.

She was sitting on her bed, as per usual, with headphones in, staring at her cellphone. Tears in her eyes and I could tell she wasn't breathing. Yup. She's definitely on the verge of a full fangirl attack.

I walked over to her and took out the headphones, causing her to look at me.

"What happened with Justin this time?" I asked, knowing what she had been doing not seconds ago had something to do with Justin Bieber. She's absolutely in love with him and anyone who knows her knows that. He's all she ever talks about and her walls that are covered with posters also gives it away. Mom and dad don't hate him but they don't particularly like him either, and me? I like him, I guess. I'm no fangirl but he's definitely is hot and amazingly talented.

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